# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from ast import literal_eval
from dask_geopandas import from_geopandas
from pandas import Series
from pandas import concat
from dave_core.datapool.read_data import read_gaslib
from dave_core.datapool.read_data import read_scigridgas_iggielgn
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings
from dave_core.toolbox import intersection_with_area
def gaslib_pipe_clustering():
This function is clustering the gaslib pipe data and calculate the avarage for the parameters.
The pipesUsedForData parameter describt the number of pipes within the cluster
pipe_data = {}
# import gaslib data
gaslib_data, meta_data_gaslib = read_gaslib() # !!! implement meta data
for pipe in gaslib_data["connections"]["pipe"]:
lengthrounded = round(pipe["length"]["@value"], 1)
diameter = pipe["diameter"]["@value"]
roughness = pipe["roughness"]["@value"]
pressure_max = pipe["pressureMax"]["@value"]
if lengthrounded in pipe_data:
# collect different values for multiple pipelines with the same length
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["pipesUsedForData"] += 1.0
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["diameter"] = (
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["diameter"] + [diameter]
if isinstance(pipe_data[lengthrounded]["diameter"], list)
else [pipe_data[lengthrounded]["diameter"], diameter]
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["roughness"] = (
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["roughness"] + [roughness]
if isinstance(pipe_data[lengthrounded]["roughness"], list)
else [pipe_data[lengthrounded]["roughness"], roughness]
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["pressureMax"] = (
pipe_data[lengthrounded]["pressureMax"] + [pressure_max]
if isinstance(pipe_data[lengthrounded]["pressureMax"], list)
else [pipe_data[lengthrounded]["pressureMax"], pressure_max]
pipe_data[lengthrounded] = {
"diameter": diameter,
"roughness": roughness,
"pressureMax": pressure_max,
"pipesUsedForData": 1.0,
# calculate the median values if there are more than one line with the same length
# Hint: A modified kind of median is used. It differs from the original median function in that
# if the number of data is even, the better of the two middle values is used instead of their
# avarage
for key in pipe_data:
if pipe_data[key]["pipesUsedForData"] > 1:
pipe_data[key]["diameter"] = pipe_data[key]["diameter"][
len(pipe_data[key]["diameter"]) // 2
pipe_data[key]["roughness"] = pipe_data[key]["roughness"][
len(pipe_data[key]["roughness"]) // 2
pipe_data[key]["pressureMax"] = pipe_data[key]["pressureMax"][
len(pipe_data[key]["pressureMax"]) // 2
return pipe_data
def create_hp_topology(grid_data):
This function creates a dictonary with all relevant parameters for the
high pressure level
**grid_data** (dict) - all Informations about the grid area
Writes data in the DaVe dataset
# set progress bar
pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create high pressure topology")
# read high pressure grid data from dave datapool (scigridgas igginl)
scigrid_data, meta_data = read_scigridgas_iggielgn()
# add meta data
if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys():
grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data
# update progress
# create hp junctions (nodes)
scigrid_nodes = scigrid_data["nodes"]
# change source names and add source
scigrid_nodes.rename(columns={"id": "scigrid_id", "name": "scigrid_name"}, inplace=True)
scigrid_nodes["source"] = "scigridgas"
# extract relevant scigrid parameters
scigrid_nodes["entsog_key"] = scigrid_nodes.param.apply(
lambda x: None if "entsog_key" not in literal_eval(x) else literal_eval(x)["entsog_key"]
# set grid level number
scigrid_nodes["pressure_level"] = 1
# set import and export to default. This parameters are useful to define the kind of nodes and
# they will be overwritten in the sink and source scripts
scigrid_nodes["is_export"] = False
scigrid_nodes["is_import"] = False
# set height
scigrid_nodes["height_m"] = dave_settings["hp_nodes_height_m"]
# filter junctions which are within the grid area
hp_junctions = intersection_with_area(scigrid_nodes, grid_data.area)
# update progress
# consider data only if there are more than one junction in the target area
if len(hp_junctions) > 1:
# --- create hp pipes
hp_pipes = scigrid_data["pipe_segments"]
# filter relevant pipelines by checking if both endpoints are in the target area
hp_junctions_ids = hp_junctions.scigrid_id.tolist()
hp_pipes["from_junction"] = hp_pipes.node_id.apply(lambda x: literal_eval(x)[0])
hp_pipes["to_junction"] = hp_pipes.node_id.apply(lambda x: literal_eval(x)[1])
hp_pipes = hp_pipes[
| (hp_pipes.to_junction.isin(hp_junctions_ids))
# check for junction from/to nodes which are outside of the grid area and define these as
# im- and export nodes
junctions_extern = concat(
hp_junctions_ext = scigrid_nodes[scigrid_nodes.scigrid_id.isin(junctions_extern.unique())]
hp_junctions_ext["is_export"] = True
hp_junctions_ext["is_import"] = True
hp_junctions_ext["external"] = True
# add external junctions to hp_junctions
hp_junctions = concat(
[hp_junctions, hp_junctions_ext],
# update progress
# prepare data
hp_pipes.rename(columns={"id": "scigrid_id", "name": "scigrid_name"}, inplace=True)
hp_pipes["source"] = "scigridgas"
hp_pipes["pressure_level"] = 1
# extract relevant scigrid parameters
hp_pipes["diameter_mm"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(lambda x: literal_eval(x)["diameter_mm"])
hp_pipes["is_H_gas"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(
lambda x: True if literal_eval(x)["is_H_gas"] == 1 else False
hp_pipes["is_bothDirection"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(
lambda x: True if literal_eval(x)["is_bothDirection"] == 1 else False
hp_pipes["length_km"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(lambda x: literal_eval(x)["length_km"])
hp_pipes["max_cap_M_m3_per_d"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(
lambda x: literal_eval(x)["max_cap_M_m3_per_d"]
hp_pipes["max_pressure_bar"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(
lambda x: literal_eval(x)["max_pressure_bar"]
hp_pipes["operator_name"] = hp_pipes.param.apply(
lambda x: (
"" if "operator_name" not in literal_eval(x) else literal_eval(x)["operator_name"]
# update progress
# add junctions to grid data
hp_junctions.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Series([f"junction_1_{x}" for x in hp_junctions.index]),
hp_junctions.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True)
grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions = concat(
[grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions, hp_junctions], ignore_index=True
# change pipeline junction names from scigrid id to dave name
hp_pipes_dask = from_geopandas(hp_pipes, npartitions=dave_settings["cpu_number"])
hp_pipes["from_junction"] = hp_pipes_dask.from_junction.apply(
lambda x: hp_junctions[hp_junctions.scigrid_id == x].iloc[0].dave_name,
hp_pipes["to_junction"] = hp_pipes_dask.to_junction.apply(
lambda x: hp_junctions[hp_junctions.scigrid_id == x].iloc[0].dave_name,
# get gaslib data clustered
gaslib_pipe_data = gaslib_pipe_clustering()
gaslib_pipe_data_sorted = sorted(gaslib_pipe_data, key=float)
# add roughness from gaslib data to nearest scigrid pipe by length
nearestpipelengthgaslib = hp_pipes.length_km.apply(
lambda y: min(gaslib_pipe_data_sorted, key=lambda x: abs(x - y))
hp_pipes["roughness"] = nearestpipelengthgaslib.apply(
lambda x: gaslib_pipe_data[x]["roughness"]
# add pipes to grid data
hp_pipes.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
Series([f"pipe_1_{x}" for x in hp_pipes.index]),
hp_pipes.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True)
grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes = concat(
[grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes, hp_pipes], ignore_index=True
# update progress
# close progress bar