Source code for dave_core.topology.extra_high_voltage

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from math import pi

from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from pandas import Series
from pandas import concat

from dave_core.datapool.oep_request import oep_request
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings
from dave_core.toolbox import intersection_with_area
from dave_core.toolbox import related_sub

[docs] def create_ehv_topology(grid_data): """ This function creates a dictonary with all relevant parameters for the extra high voltage level INPUT: **grid_data** (dict) - all Informations about the grid area OUTPUT: Writes data in the DaVe dataset """ # set progress bar pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create extra high voltage topology") # --- create ehv/ehv and ehv/hv substations # read ehv substation data from OpenEnergyPlatform and adapt names ehv_substations, meta_data = oep_request(table="ego_dp_ehv_substation") # add meta data if bool(meta_data) and f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys(): grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data ehv_substations.rename( columns={ "version": "ego_version", "subst_id": "ego_subst_id", "voltage": "voltage_kv", }, inplace=True, ) # filter substations which are within the grid area ehv_substations = intersection_with_area(ehv_substations, grid_data.area) # update progress pbar.update(10) if not ehv_substations.empty: ehv_substations["voltage_level"] = 2 # add dave name ehv_substations.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ehv_substations.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"substation_2_{x}" for x in ehv_substations.index]), ) # set crs ehv_substations.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # add ehv substations to grid data grid_data.components_power.substations.ehv_hv = concat( [grid_data.components_power.substations.ehv_hv, ehv_substations], ignore_index=True, ) # update progress pbar.update(10) # --- import ehv lines and reduce them to the target area ehvhv_lines, meta_data = oep_request(table="ego_pf_hv_line") # add meta data if bool(meta_data) and f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys(): grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data ehvhv_lines.rename( columns={ "version": "ego_version", "subst_id": "ego_subst_id", "scn_name": "ego_scn_name", "line_id": "ego_line_id", "length": "length_km", "s_nom": "s_nom_mva", "r": "r_ohm", "x": "x_ohm", "g": "g_s", "b": "b_s", "bus0": "from_node", "bus1": "to_node", }, inplace=True, ) # filter lines which are currently availible ehvhv_lines = ehvhv_lines[ (ehvhv_lines.ego_scn_name == "Status Quo") & (ehvhv_lines.geometry.intersects(grid_data.area.geometry.unary_union)) ] # consider data only if there are minimum one line in the target area if not ehvhv_lines.empty: # --- create ehv nodes # read ehv/hv node data from OpenEnergyPlatform and adapt names ehvhv_buses, meta_data = oep_request(table="ego_pf_hv_bus") # add meta data if ( bool(meta_data) and f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys() ): grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data ehvhv_buses.rename( columns={ "version": "ego_version", "scn_name": "ego_scn_name", "bus_id": "ego_bus_id", "v_nom": "voltage_kv", "length": "length_km", }, inplace=True, ) # filter nodes which are on the ehv-level and current exsist ehv_buses = ehvhv_buses[ (ehvhv_buses.voltage_kv.isin([380, 220])) & (ehvhv_buses.ego_scn_name == "Status Quo") ] # filter nodes within the target area by checking their connection to a line line_buses_ids = concat( [ehvhv_lines.from_bus, ehvhv_lines.to_bus], ignore_index=True ).unique() ehv_buses = ehv_buses[ehv_buses.ego_bus_id.isin(line_buses_ids)] else: # create empty DataFrame for the next check ehv_buses = GeoDataFrame() # update progress pbar.update(10) # consider data only if there are more than one ehv node in the target area if len(ehv_buses) > 1: # search for the substations where the ehv nodes are within sub_infos = ehv_buses.geometry.apply(lambda x: related_sub(x, ehv_substations)) ehv_buses["ego_subst_id"] = sub_infos.apply(lambda x: x[0]) ehv_buses["subst_dave_name"] = sub_infos.apply(lambda x: x[1]) ehv_buses["subst_name"] = sub_infos.apply(lambda x: x[2]) # add oep as source ehv_buses["source"] = "OEP" # update progress pbar.update(20) # add voltage level ehv_buses["voltage_level"] = 1 # add dave name ehv_buses.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ehv_buses.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"node_1_{x}" for x in ehv_buses.index]), ) # set crs ehv_buses.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # add ehv nodes to grid data grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_nodes = concat( [grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_nodes, ehv_buses], ignore_index=True ) # --- create ehv lines # filter lines which are on the ehv level by check if both endpoints are on the ehv level ehv_bus_ids = ehv_buses.ego_bus_id.tolist() ehv_lines = ehvhv_lines[ (ehvhv_lines.from_node.isin(ehv_bus_ids)) & (ehvhv_lines.to_node.isin(ehv_bus_ids)) ] # --- add additional line parameter and change bus names ehv_lines.insert(ehv_lines.columns.get_loc("r_ohm") + 1, "r_ohm_per_km", None) ehv_lines.insert(ehv_lines.columns.get_loc("x_ohm") + 1, "x_ohm_per_km", None) ehv_lines.insert(ehv_lines.columns.get_loc("b_s") + 1, "c_nf_per_km", None) ehv_lines.insert(ehv_lines.columns.get_loc("b_s") + 1, "c_nf", None) # update progress pbar.update(10) ehv_lines["voltage_kv"] = ehv_lines.from_node.apply( lambda x: ehv_buses.loc[ehv_buses[ehv_buses.ego_bus_id == x].index[0]].voltage_kv ) # calculate and add r,x,c per km ehv_lines["r_ohm_per_km"] = ehv_lines.apply(lambda x: float(x.r_ohm) / x.length_km, axis=1) ehv_lines["x_ohm_per_km"] = ehv_lines.apply(lambda x: float(x.x_ohm) / x.length_km, axis=1) ehv_lines["c_nf"] = ehv_lines.apply( lambda x: float(x.b_s) / (2 * pi * float(x.frequency)) * 1e09, axis=1 ) ehv_lines["c_nf_per_km"] = ehv_lines.apply(lambda x: x.c_nf / x.length_km, axis=1) ehv_lines["c_nf_per_km"] = ehv_lines.apply(lambda x: x.c_nf / x.length_km, axis=1) # calculate and add max i ehv_lines["max_i_ka"] = ehv_lines.apply( lambda x: ((float(x.s_nom_mva) * 1e06) / (x.voltage_kv * 1e03)) * 1e-03, axis=1 ) # parallel lines ehv_lines["parallel"] = ehv_lines.cables.apply(lambda x: x / 3) # update progress pbar.update(20) # change line node names from ego id to dave name ehv_lines["from_node"] = ehv_lines.from_node.apply( lambda x: ehv_buses[ehv_buses.ego_bus_id == x].iloc[0].dave_name ) ehv_lines["to_node"] = ehv_lines.to_node.apply( lambda x: ehv_buses[ehv_buses.ego_bus_id == x].iloc[0].dave_name ) # add oep as source ehv_lines["source"] = "OEP" ehv_lines["voltage_level"] = 1 # update progress pbar.update(30) # add dave name ehv_lines.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) ehv_lines.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"line_1_{x}" for x in ehv_lines.index]), ) # set crs ehv_lines.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # add ehv lines to grid data grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_lines = concat( [grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_lines, ehv_lines], ignore_index=True ) # update progress pbar.update(19.999) else: # update progress pbar.update(70) # close progress bar pbar.close()