Source code for dave_core.toolbox

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from os import path

from dask_geopandas import from_geopandas
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import overlay
from geopy.geocoders import ArcGIS
from numpy import append
from numpy import array
from pandas import concat
from scipy.spatial import Voronoi
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
from shapely.ops import linemerge
from shapely.ops import polygonize

from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

[docs] def multiline_coords(line_geometry): """ This function extracts the coordinates from a MultiLineString INPUT: **line_geometry** (Shapely MultiLinesString) - geometry in MultiLineString format OUTPUT: **line_coords** (list) - coordinates of the given MultiLineString """ merged_line = linemerge(line_geometry) # sometimes line merge can not merge the lines correctly line_coords = [] if isinstance(merged_line, MultiLineString): for line in list(merged_line.geoms): line_coords += line.coords[:] else: line_coords += merged_line.coords[:] return line_coords
[docs] def create_interim_area(areas): """ This function creats a interim area to combine not connected areas. INPUT: **areas** (GeoDataFrame) - all considered grid areas OUTPUT: **areas** (GeoDataFrame) - all considered grid areas extended with interim areas """ # check if there are diffrent grid areas if len(areas) > 1: # check for isolated areas areas_iso = [] for i, area in areas.iterrows(): # check if the considered area adjoining an other one areas_other = areas.drop([i]) distance = areas_other.geometry.apply(lambda x, area=area: area.geometry.distance(x)) if distance.min() > 0: areas_iso.append((i, distance.idxmin())) # if their are isolated areas, check for a connection on the highest grid level if len(areas_iso) > 0: for area_iso in areas_iso: # filter areas geom1 = areas.loc[area_iso[0]].geometry geom2 = areas.loc[area_iso[1]].geometry # define diffrence area combined = cascaded_union([geom1, geom2]) convex_hull = combined.convex_hull difference = convex_hull.difference(geom1) difference = difference.difference(geom2) # add difference area to areas areas = concat( [ areas, GeoDataFrame({"name": "interim area", "geometry": [difference]}), ], ignore_index=True, ) return areas
[docs] def voronoi(points, polygon_param=True): """ This function calculates the voronoi diagram for given points INPUT: **points** (GeoDataFrame) - all nodes for voronoi analysis (centroids) **polygon_param** (bool, default True) - if True the centroid and dave name for each \ voronoi polygon will be searched OUTPUT: **voronoi polygons** (GeoDataFrame) - all voronoi areas for the given points """ # define points for voronoi centroids points = points.reset_index(drop=True) # don't use inplace voronoi_centroids = [[point.x, point.y] for i, point in points.geometry.items()] voronoi_points = array(voronoi_centroids) # maximum points of the considered area define, which limit the voronoi polygons bound_points = MultiPoint(points.geometry).convex_hull.buffer(1).bounds points_boundary = [ [bound_points[0], bound_points[1]], [bound_points[0], bound_points[3]], [bound_points[2], bound_points[1]], [bound_points[2], bound_points[3]], ] # append boundary points to avoid infinit polygons with relevant nodes voronoi_points = append(voronoi_points, points_boundary, axis=0) # carry out voronoi analysis vor = Voronoi(voronoi_points) # select finit lines and create LineStrings (regions with -1 are infinit) lines = [LineString(vor.vertices[line]) for line in vor.ridge_vertices if -1 not in line] # create polygons from the lines polygons = array(list(polygonize(lines))) # create GeoDataFrame with polygons voronoi_polygons = GeoDataFrame(geometry=polygons, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) # search voronoi centroids and dave name if polygon_param: voronoi_polygons_geom_dask = from_geopandas( voronoi_polygons.geometry, npartitions=dave_settings["cpu_number"] ) voronoi_polygons["centroid"] = voronoi_polygons_geom_dask.apply( lambda x: ( points[points.within(x)].iloc[0].geometry if not points[points.within(x)].empty else "fail" ), meta=voronoi_polygons_geom_dask, ).compute() voronoi_polygons["dave_name"] = voronoi_polygons_geom_dask.apply( lambda x: ( points[points.within(x)].iloc[0].dave_name if not points[points.within(x)].empty else "fail" ), meta=voronoi_polygons_geom_dask, ).compute() return voronoi_polygons
[docs] def adress_to_coords(adress, geolocator=None): """ This function request geocoordinates to a given adress. INPUT: **Adress** (string) - format: street_name housenummber postal_code city example: 'Königstor 59 34119 Kassel' OUTPUT: **geocoordinates** (tuple) - geocoordinates for the adress in format (longitude, latitude) """ if not geolocator: geolocator = ArcGIS(timeout=None) if adress: location = geolocator.geocode(adress) return (location.longitude, location.latitude)
[docs] def get_data_path(filename=None, dirname=None): """ This function returns the full os path for a given directory (and filename) """ data_path = ( path.join(dave_settings["dave_dir"], "datapool", dirname, filename) if filename else path.join(dave_settings["dave_dir"], "datapool", dirname) ) return data_path
[docs] def intersection_with_area(gdf, area, remove_columns=True, only_limit=True): """ This function intersects a given geodataframe with an area in consideration of mixed geometry types at both input variables INPUT: **gdf** (GeoDataFrame) - Data to be intersect with an area **area** (GeoDataFrame) - Considered Area **remove_columns** (bool, default True) - If True the area parameters will deleted in the \ result **only_limit** (bool, default True) - If True it will only considered if the data \ intersects the area instead of which part of the area they intersect if the area is \ split in multiple polygons OUTPUT: **gdf_over** (GeoDataFrame) - Data which intersetcs with considered area """ # reduce grid area geometries to one polygon if only_limit: area = GeoDataFrame(geometry=[area.geometry.unary_union], crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) # check if geodataframe has mixed geometries geom_types_gdf = set(map(type, gdf.geometry)) geom_types_area = set(map(type, area.geometry)) if len(geom_types_gdf) > 1: # in this case the geodataframe has mixed geometrie information. A seperated consideration # of overlay is necessary because the function can not handle mixed geometries gdf_over = GeoDataFrame([]) for geom_type in geom_types_gdf: # get indeces for geom type gdf_geom_idx = [ for i, row in gdf.iterrows() if isinstance(row.geometry, (geom_type)) ] # check for values in the target area gdf_over_geom = overlay(gdf.loc[gdf_geom_idx], area, how="intersection") gdf_over = concat([gdf_over, gdf_over_geom], ignore_index=True) elif len(geom_types_area) > 1: # in this case the geodataframe has mixed geometrie information. A seperated consideration # of overlay is necessary because the function can not handle mixed geometries gdf_over = GeoDataFrame([]) for geom_type in geom_types_area: area_geom_idx = [ for i, row in area.iterrows() if isinstance(row.geometry, (geom_type)) ] # check for values in the target area gdf_over_geom = overlay(gdf, area.loc[area_geom_idx], how="intersection") gdf_over = concat( [gdf_over, gdf_over_geom], ignore_index=True ) # TODO: Problem ist das es hier Population_1 und _2 gibt, daher wirft er einen Fehler else: gdf_over = overlay(gdf, area, how="intersection") # remove parameters from area if (not gdf_over.empty) and (remove_columns): remove_columns = area.keys().tolist() remove_columns.remove("geometry") gdf_over.drop(columns=remove_columns, inplace=True) return gdf_over
def intersect_with_composition(gdf1, gdf2, gdf1_name=None, area=None): """ This function intersects two GeoDataFrames with each other and calculates the composition how gdf1 will splitted to gdf2 Hint: gdf1 and gdf2 must have "name" and "geometry" parameters INPUT: **gdf1** (GeoDataFrame) - Area with polygons to divide **gdf2** (GeoDataFrame) - Area with polygons or nodes to which gdf1 should be divide OPTIONAL: **gdf1_name** (GeoDataFrame, default None) - Gdf1 parameter which includes the area name. \ Per default the first column will taken **grid_area** (GeoDataFrame, default None) - definition of the consider area """ # reduce data to considered area if area: gdf1 = intersection_with_area(gdf1, area) gdf2 = intersection_with_area(gdf2, area) # voronoi tesselation in case gdf2 is a dataset of points if isinstance(gdf2.geometry.iloc[0], Point): gdf2["geometry"] = voronoi(gdf2, polygon_param=False).geometry # define gdf1 name per default if not gdf1_name: gdf1_name = gdf1.keys()[0] if gdf1_name == "name": gdf1_name = "gdf1_name" gdf1.rename(columns={"name": gdf1_name}, inplace=True) # intersect data with voronoi regions gdf_intersect = overlay(gdf1, gdf2) # !!! ggf. drop von centorid und dave_name an der stelle # replace "nan" because "nan" is not equals to nan gdf_intersect.fillna("None", inplace=True) # calculate area percentage gdf_intersect["area_percentage"] = gdf_intersect.geometry.area / gdf_intersect.apply( lambda x: gdf1[(gdf1[gdf1_name] == x[gdf1_name])].iloc[0].geometry.area, axis=1, ) return gdf_intersect