# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from os import cpu_count
from os import path
from pathlib import Path
def set_dave_settings():
This function returns a dictonary with the DaVe settings for used data and assumptions
settings = {
# main definitions
"dave_dir": Path(path.realpath(__file__)).parent,
"dave_output_dir": Path.home().joinpath("Desktop", "DAVE_output"),
"cpu_number": cpu_count(),
# structural definitions:
"bar_format": "{desc:<10}|{bar:30}| {percentage:5.0f}% completed", # format progress bar
"sub_bar_format": "{desc:<10} |{bar:30}| {n_fmt}/{total_fmt} [{elapsed}<{remaining}]",
# geographical defintions:
"crs_main": "EPSG:4326", # crs which is based on the unit degree
"crs_meter": "EPSG:3035", # crs which is based on the unit meter
# --- data request
# OEP tables (oep_name:(schema, geometry_parameter, latest_version))
"oep_tables": {
"ego_pf_hv_bus": ("grid", "geom", "version=v0.4.6"),
"ego_pf_hv_line": ("grid", "geom", "version=v0.4.6"),
"ego_dp_ehv_substation": ("grid", "polygon", "version=v0.4.5"),
"ego_pf_hv_transformer": ("grid", "geom", "version=v0.4.6"),
"ego_dp_hvmv_substation": ("grid", "polygon", "version=v0.4.5"),
"ego_dp_mvlv_substation": ("grid", "geom", "version=v0.4.5"),
"ego_renewable_powerplant": ("supply", None, None),
"ego_conventional_powerplant": ("supply", None, None),
# osm time delay (because osm doesn't alowed more than 1 request per second)
"osm_time_delay": 60, # in seconds
# osm considered area (data for this area will be downloaded and impplemented in database)
"osm_area": "germany",
# osm buffer for geodata to add to area to get some informations around the area (not for buildings)
"osm_area_buffer": 0.01,
# osm tags: (type: (osm key, osm tags, osm type, parameter))
"osm_tags": {
"road": (
["geometry", "name", "highway", "surface", "sidewalk", "id"],
"landuse": (
["way", "relation"],
["landuse", "geometry", "name", "id", "surface"],
"leisure": (
["golf_course", "garden", "park"],
["way", "relation"],
"natural": (
["scrub", "grassland", "water", "wood"],
["way", "relation"],
"building": (
"railway": (
"waterway": (
"tidal_channel ",
["name", "waterway", "geometry", "depth", "width", "id"],
# osm categories
"buildings_residential": [
"buildings_commercial": [
# roads relevant for power grids
"roads_lv": [
"roads_mv": [
# --- assumptions at power grid generating:
# mv level
"mv_voltage": 20,
# hours per year
"h_per_a": 8760,
# power factors for loads
"cos_phi_residential": 0.95, # induktiv
"cos_phi_industrial": 0.75, # induktiv
"cos_phi_commercial": 0.75, # induktiv
# avarage load values for ehv, hv, and mv loads
"residential_load": 2, # in MW/km²
"industrial_load": 10, # in MW/km²
"commercial_load": 3, # in MW/km²
# --- assumptions at pandapower convert:
# lines standard types
"mv_line_std_type": "NA2XS2Y 1x240 RM/25 12/20 kV", # dummy value, must be changed
"lv_line_std_type": "NAYY 4x150 SE", # dummy value, must be changed
# trafo parameters for ehv/ehv and ehv/hv. The dummy values are based on the pandapower
# standarttype "160 MVA 380/110 kV" which is the biggest model
"trafo_vkr_percent": 0.25, # dummy value
"trafo_vk_percent": 12.2, # dummy value
"trafo_pfe_kw": 60, # dummy value
"trafo_i0_percent": 0.06, # dummy value
# trafo standard types
"hvmv_trafo_std_type": "63 MVA 110/20 kV", # dummy value, must be changed
"mvlv_trafo_std_type": "0.63 MVA 20/0.4 kV", # dummy value, must be changed
# --- assumptions at gas grid generating:
# hp level
"hp_nodes_height_m": 1, # dummy value, must be changed
"hp_pipes_k_mm": 0.1, # value based on shutterwald data, must be changed
"hp_pipes_tfluid_k": 273.15, # dummy value , must be changed
# --- assumptions at model utils:
"min_number_nodes": 4,
return settings
# load dave settings
dave_settings = set_dave_settings()