Source code for dave_core.progressbar

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from tqdm import tqdm
from tqdm.dask import TqdmCallback

from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

[docs] def create_tqdm(desc, bar_type="main_bar"): """ This function creates a tqdm progress bar object INPUT: **desc** (str) - Name of the task (max 33 signs) OPTIONAL: **bar_type** (str, default "main_bar") - Which style of progress bar should be used \ Options: "main_bar, "sub_bar" OUTPUT: **tqdm_object** (tqdm object) - tqdm object suitale to the usage in DAVE code """ # limit desc string to 34 signs desc = desc[:33] # define bar style if bar_type == "main_bar": # bar style for main task tqdm_object = tqdm( total=100, desc=f"{desc}:" + " " * (35 - len(f"{desc}:")), position=0, bar_format=dave_settings["bar_format"], colour="green", ) elif bar_type == "sub_bar": # bar style for subtask tqdm_object = tqdm( total=100, desc=f"{desc}:" + " " * (34 - len(f"{desc}:")), position=0, bar_format=dave_settings["sub_bar_format"], ) return tqdm_object
def create_tqdm_dask(desc, bar_type): """ This function creates a tqdm progress bar object for dask functions INPUT: **desc** (str) - Name of the task (max 33 signs) **bar_type** (str) - Which style of progress bar should be used \ Options: "main_bar, "sub_bar" OUTPUT: **tqdm_object_dask** (tqdm object) - tqdm object suitale to the usage in DAVE code """ # limit desc string to 34 signs desc = desc[:33] # define bar style if bar_type == "main_bar": # bar style for main task tqdm_object_dask = TqdmCallback( desc=f"{desc}:" + " " * (35 - len(f"{desc}:")), position=1, bar_format=dave_settings["bar_format"], colour="green", tqdm_class=tqdm, ) elif bar_type == "sub_bar": # bar style for subtask tqdm_object_dask = TqdmCallback( desc=f"{desc}:" + " " * (34 - len(f"{desc}:")), position=0, bar_format=dave_settings["sub_bar_format"], tqdm_class=tqdm, ) return tqdm_object_dask