Source code for dave_core.plotting.plot

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from contextily import add_basemap
from contextily import providers
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
from matplotlib.patches import Patch
from pandas import concat

[docs] def plot_land(area, only_area=False): """ This funcition plots the polygon of the target area, which can be used for the background. INPUT: **area** (GeoDataFrame) - polygon of the target area OPTIONAL: **only_area** (boolean, False) - If this parameter is True only the polygon fopr the area will \ be plotted OUTPUT: **ax** - axes of figure """ if only_area: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False, figsize=(18, 12)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.axis("off") area.plot(color="k", alpha=0.1, ax=ax) else: fig = plt.figure(frameon=False, figsize=(50, 50)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) ax.axis("off") ax = area.plot(color="k", alpha=0.1, ax=ax) ax.margins(0) return ax
[docs] def plot_geographical_data(grid_data, save_image=False, output_folder=None): """ This function plots the geographical informations in the target area INPUT: **grid_data** (attrdict) - all Informations about the target area OPTIONAL: **save_image*** (boolean, False) - If True the plot will be saved as svg in output folder **output_folder*** (string, None) - absolute path to the folder where the plot should be saved OUTPUT: **target area plot** (svg file) - plot as vektor graphic """ # input data roads = grid_data.roads.roads road_junctions = grid_data.roads.road_junctions buildings_residential = grid_data.buildings.residential buildings_commercial = grid_data.buildings.commercial buildings_other = grid_data.buildings.other buildings_all = concat( [buildings_residential, buildings_commercial, buildings_other] ) landuse = grid_data.landuse railways = grid_data.railways if not buildings_all.empty: building_centroids = buildings_all.centroid else: building_centroids = GeoSeries([]) # check if there is any data in target area, otherwise plot only the area data = [ roads, road_junctions, buildings_residential, buildings_commercial, buildings_other, building_centroids, landuse, railways, ] data_check = concat(data) if data_check.empty: # plot target area plot_land(grid_data["area"], only_area=True) else: # plot target area ax = plot_land(grid_data["area"]) # prepare legend legend_elements = [] # plot landuse areas if not landuse.empty: landuse_residential = landuse[landuse.landuse == "residential"] landuse_industrial = landuse[landuse.landuse == "industrial"] landuse_commercial = landuse[ landuse.landuse.isin(["commercial", "retail"]) ] if not landuse_residential.empty: landuse_residential.plot(ax=ax, color="b", alpha=0.1) legend_elements.append(Patch(color="b", label="Residential")) if not landuse_industrial.empty: landuse_industrial.plot(ax=ax, color="r", alpha=0.1) legend_elements.append(Patch(color="r", label="Industrial")) if not landuse_commercial.empty: landuse_commercial.plot(ax=ax, color="g", alpha=0.1) legend_elements.append(Patch(color="g", label="Commercial")) # plot road informations if not roads.empty: roads.plot(ax=ax, color="k") legend_elements.append( Line2D([0], [0], color="k", lw=2, label="Roads") ) if not road_junctions.empty: road_junctions.plot(ax=ax, color="r") legend_elements.append( Line2D([0], [0], color="r", marker="o", label="Road junctions") ) # plot buildings if not buildings_residential.empty: buildings_residential.plot(ax=ax, color="g") legend_elements.append( Line2D( [0], [0], color="g", lw=2, label="Residential Buildings" ) ) if not buildings_commercial.empty: buildings_commercial.plot(ax=ax, color="b") legend_elements.append( Line2D([0], [0], color="b", lw=2, label="Commercial Buildings") ) if not buildings_other.empty: buildings_other.plot(ax=ax, color="gray") legend_elements.append( Line2D([0], [0], color="gray", lw=2, label="Other Buildings") ) # plot building centroids if not building_centroids.empty: building_centroids.plot(ax=ax, color="m", markersize=1) legend_elements.append( Line2D( [0], [0], color="m", marker="o", label="Building Centroids" ) ) # plot railways if not railways.empty: railways.plot(ax=ax, color="k", linestyle="--") legend_elements.append( Line2D( [0], [0], color="k", linestyle="--", lw=2, label="Railways" ) ) # legende plt.legend(handles=legend_elements) # titel plt.title("Geographical Data") # !!! Todo: Speichern des Plots fürt zu einem Fehler in Matplotlib # save plot in the dave output folder if save_image and output_folder: file_path = output_folder + "\\geographical_data.svg" plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=300)
[docs] def plot_grid_data(grid_data, save_image=False, output_folder=None): """ This function plots primary the grid data and auxillary greyed out the geographical informations in the target area INPUT: **grid_data** (dict) - all Informations about the target area and the grid OPTIONAL: **save_image*** (boolean, False) - If True the plot will be saved as svg in output folder **output_folder*** (string, None) - absolute path to the folder where the plot should be saved OUTPUT: **grid data plot** (svg file) - plot as vektor graphic """ roads = grid_data.roads.roads road_junctions = grid_data.roads.road_junctions lv_lines = grid_data.lv_data.lv_lines lv_nodes = grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes mv_lines = grid_data.mv_data.mv_lines mv_nodes = grid_data.mv_data.mv_nodes ehv_nodes = grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_nodes ehv_lines = grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_lines hv_nodes = grid_data.hv_data.hv_nodes hv_lines = grid_data.hv_data.hv_lines hp_junctions = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions hp_pipes = grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes renewable_plants = grid_data.components_power.renewable_powerplants conventional_plants = grid_data.components_power.conventional_powerplants buildings_residential = grid_data.buildings.residential buildings_commercial = grid_data.buildings.commercial buildings_other = grid_data.buildings.other substations = concat( [ grid_data.components_power.substations.ehv_hv, grid_data.components_power.substations.hv_mv, ] ) # check if there is any data in target area otherwise plot only the area data = [ roads, road_junctions, buildings_residential, buildings_commercial, buildings_other, substations, lv_nodes, lv_lines, mv_lines, mv_nodes, renewable_plants, conventional_plants, ehv_nodes, ehv_lines, hv_nodes, hv_lines, hp_junctions, hp_pipes, ] data_check = concat(data) if data_check.empty: # plot target area plot_land(grid_data["area"], only_area=True) else: # plot target area ax = plot_land(grid_data["area"]) # plot road informations if not roads.empty: roads.plot(ax=ax, color="k", alpha=0.2) # plot buildings if not buildings_residential.empty: buildings_residential.plot(ax=ax, color="k", alpha=0.2) if not buildings_commercial.empty: buildings_commercial.plot(ax=ax, color="k", alpha=0.2) if not buildings_other.empty: buildings_other.plot(ax=ax, color="k", alpha=0.2) # plot lv topology if not lv_nodes.empty: lv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="b", label="LV Nodes") if not lv_lines.empty: lv_lines.plot(ax=ax, color="b", label="LV Lines") # plot mv topology if not mv_nodes.empty: mv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="m", markersize=6, label="MV Nodes") if not mv_lines.empty: mv_lines.plot(ax=ax, color="m", label="MV Lines") # plot electrical components if not renewable_plants.empty: renewable_plants.plot( ax=ax, color="g", label="renewable power plants" ) if not conventional_plants.empty: conventional_plants.plot( ax=ax, color="m", label="conventional power plants" ) # plot ehv topology if not ehv_nodes.empty: ehv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="k", markersize=6, label="EHV Nodes") if not ehv_lines.empty: ehv_lines_380 = ehv_lines[ehv_lines.voltage_kv == 380] if not ehv_lines_380.empty: ehv_lines_380.plot( ax=ax, color="r", zorder=3, label="380 kV Lines" ) ehv_lines_220 = ehv_lines[ehv_lines.voltage_kv == 220] if not ehv_lines_220.empty: ehv_lines_220.plot( ax=ax, color="b", zorder=2, label="220 kV Lines" ) # plot hv topology if not hv_nodes.empty: hv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="g", markersize=6, label="HV Nodes") if not hv_lines.empty: hv_lines.plot(ax=ax, color="g", markersize=6, label="HV Lines") # plot hp topology if not hp_junctions.empty: hp_junctions.plot( ax=ax, color="k", markersize=6, label="HP Junctions" ) if not hp_pipes.empty: hp_pipes.plot(ax=ax, color="k", zorder=1, label="HP Pipes") # plot substations if not substations.empty: substations.plot(ax=ax, color="k", alpha=0.2, label="Substations") # legende ax.legend() # titel plt.title("Grid Data") # !!! Todo: Speichern des Plots fürt zu einem Fehler in Matplotlib if save_image and output_folder: file_path = output_folder + "\\grid_data.svg" plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=300)
# hier dann noch alle weiteren komponenten die erstellt wurden mit rein und für die # verschiedenen Spannungs und Druck ebenen.
[docs] def plot_grid_data_osm(grid_data, save_image=False, output_folder=None): """ This function plots primary the grid data with a osm map in the background INPUT: **grid_data** (dict) - all Informations about the target area and the grid OPTIONAL: **save_image*** (boolean, False) - If True the plot will be saved as svg in output folder **output_folder*** (string, None) - absolute path to the folder where the plot should be saved OUTPUT: **grid data osm plot** (svg file) - plot as vektor graphic """ lv_nodes = grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes lv_lines = grid_data.lv_data.lv_lines ehv_nodes = grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_nodes ehv_lines = grid_data.ehv_data.ehv_lines hv_nodes = grid_data.hv_data.hv_nodes hv_lines = grid_data.hv_data.hv_lines renewable_plants = grid_data.components_power.renewable_powerplants conventional_plants = grid_data.components_power.conventional_powerplants substations = concat( [ grid_data.components_power.substations.ehv_hv, grid_data.components_power.substations.hv_mv, ] ) # check if there is any data in target area otherwise plot only the area data = [ lv_nodes, lv_lines, renewable_plants, conventional_plants, ehv_nodes, ehv_lines, hv_nodes, hv_lines, substations, ] data_check = concat(data) if data_check.empty: # plot target area plot_land(grid_data["area"], only_area=True) else: # plot target area test = grid_data["area"].to_crs(epsg=3857) ax = plot_land(test) # ax = plot_land(grid_data['area']) # plot lv topology if not lv_nodes.empty: lv_nodes = lv_nodes.to_crs(epsg=3857) lv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="b", label="LV Nodes") if not lv_lines.empty: lv_lines = lv_lines.to_crs(epsg=3857) lv_lines.plot(ax=ax, color="b", label="LV lines") # plot electrical components if not renewable_plants.empty: renewable_plants.plot(ax=ax, color="g") if not conventional_plants.empty: conventional_plants.plot(ax=ax, color="m") # plot ehv topology if not ehv_nodes.empty: ehv_nodes = ehv_nodes.to_crs(epsg=3857) ehv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="k", markersize=6, label="EHV Nodes") if not ehv_lines.empty: ehv_lines_380 = ehv_lines[ehv_lines.voltage_kv == 380] if not ehv_lines_380.empty: ehv_lines_380 = ehv_lines_380.to_crs(epsg=3857) ehv_lines_380.plot( ax=ax, color="red", zorder=3, label="380 kV lines" ) ehv_lines_220 = ehv_lines[ehv_lines.voltage_kv == 220] if not ehv_lines_220.empty: ehv_lines_220 = ehv_lines_220.to_crs(epsg=3857) ehv_lines_220.plot( ax=ax, color="blue", zorder=2, label="220 kV lines" ) # plot hv topology if not hv_nodes.empty: hv_nodes = hv_nodes.to_crs(epsg=3857) hv_nodes.plot(ax=ax, color="k", markersize=6, label="HV Nodes") if not hv_lines.empty: hv_lines = hv_lines.to_crs(epsg=3857) hv_lines.plot(ax=ax, color="green", zorder=1, label="110 kV lines") # plot substations if not substations.empty: substations.plot(ax=ax, color="k", alpha=0.2, label="Substations") # legende ax.legend() # titel plt.title("Grid Data OSM") # plot background osm add_basemap(ax, source=providers.OpenStreetMap.Mapnik) # ctx.add_basemap(ax, source=ctx.providers.Stamen.TonerLite) # stamen design if save_image and output_folder: file_path = output_folder + "\\grid_data.svg" plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=300)
[docs] def plot_landuse(grid_data, save_image=False, output_folder=None): """ This function plots the landuses in the target area INPUT: **grid_data** (dict) - all Informations about the target area and the grid OPTIONAL: **save_image*** (boolean, False) - If True the plot will be saved as svg in output folder **output_folder*** (string, None) - absolute path to the folder where the plot should be saved OUTPUT: **landuse plot** (svg file) - plot as vektor graphic """ if not grid_data.landuse.empty: landuse_basin = grid_data.landuse[grid_data.landuse.landuse == "basin"] landuse_farmland = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "farmland" ] landuse_farmyard = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "farmyard" ] landuse_forest = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "forest" ] landuse_grass = grid_data.landuse[grid_data.landuse.landuse == "grass"] landuse_landfill = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "landfill" ] landuse_meadow = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "meadow" ] landuse_orchad = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "orchad" ] landuse_residential = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "residential" ] landuse_industrial = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "industrial" ] landuse_commercial = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "commercial" ] landuse_retail = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.landuse == "retail" ] leisure_garden = grid_data.landuse[ grid_data.landuse.leisure == "garden" ] natural_scrub = grid_data.landuse[grid_data.landuse.natural == "scrub"] natural_wood = grid_data.landuse[grid_data.landuse.natural == "wood"] # plot target area ax = plot_land(grid_data["area"]) # plot landuses plot_patch = [] if not landuse_basin.empty: landuse_basin.plot(ax=ax, color="aqua") aqua_patch = Patch(color="aqua", label="Basin") plot_patch.append(aqua_patch) if not landuse_farmland.empty: landuse_farmland.plot(ax=ax, color="goldenrod") goldenrod_patch = Patch(color="goldenrod", label="Farmland") plot_patch.append(goldenrod_patch) if not landuse_farmyard.empty: landuse_farmyard.plot(ax=ax, color="wheat") wheat_patch = Patch(color="wheat", label="Farmyard") plot_patch.append(wheat_patch) if not landuse_forest.empty: landuse_forest.plot(ax=ax, color="seagreen") seagreen_patch = Patch(color="seagreen", label="Forest") plot_patch.append(seagreen_patch) if not landuse_grass.empty: landuse_grass.plot(ax=ax, color="lightgreen") lightgreen_patch = Patch(color="lightgreen", label="Grass") plot_patch.append(lightgreen_patch) if not landuse_landfill.empty: landuse_landfill.plot(ax=ax, color="tan") tan_patch = Patch(color="tan", label="Landfill") plot_patch.append(tan_patch) if not landuse_meadow.empty: landuse_meadow.plot(ax=ax, color="lime") lime_patch = Patch(color="lime", label="Meadow") plot_patch.append(lime_patch) if not landuse_orchad.empty: landuse_orchad.plot(ax=ax, color="gold") gold_patch = Patch(color="gold", label="Meadow") plot_patch.append(gold_patch) if not landuse_residential.empty: landuse_residential.plot(ax=ax, color="blueviolet") blueviolet_patch = Patch(color="blueviolet", label="Residential") plot_patch.append(blueviolet_patch) if not landuse_industrial.empty: landuse_industrial.plot(ax=ax, color="r") red_patch = Patch(color="r", label="Industrial") plot_patch.append(red_patch) if not landuse_commercial.empty: landuse_commercial.plot(ax=ax, color="silver") silver_patch = Patch(color="silver", label="Commercial") plot_patch.append(silver_patch) if not landuse_retail.empty: landuse_retail.plot(ax=ax, color="pink") pink_patch = Patch(color="pink", label="Retail") plot_patch.append(pink_patch) if not leisure_garden.empty: leisure_garden.plot(ax=ax, color="darkolivegreen") darkolivegreen_patch = Patch( color="darkolivegreen", label="Garden" ) plot_patch.append(darkolivegreen_patch) if not natural_scrub.empty: natural_scrub.plot(ax=ax, color="darkkhaki") darkkhaki_patch = Patch(color="darkkhaki", label="Scrub") plot_patch.append(darkkhaki_patch) if not natural_wood.empty: natural_wood.plot(ax=ax, color="saddlebrown") saddlebrown_patch = Patch(color="saddlebrown", label="Wood") plot_patch.append(saddlebrown_patch) # legende plt.legend(handles=plot_patch) # titel plt.title("Landuse") if save_image and output_folder: file_path = output_folder + "\\landuse.svg" plt.savefig(file_path, dpi=300)
def plot_generator(): """ This function plots the power plants in the target area INPUT: **grid_data** (dict) - all Informations about the target area and the grid OUTPUT: **generator plot** (svg file) - plot as vektor graphic """ # hier eine Plotting funktion die nur die Erzeuger im Zielgebiet aufzeigt und # verschiedene Farben für die verschiedenen Energieträger