Source code for

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from functools import partial
from json import dumps as json_dumps
from json import loads as json_loads
from pathlib import Path

from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from import from_json as from_json_ppi
from import to_json as to_json_ppi
from pandapower.file_io import from_json as from_json_pp
from pandapower.file_io import to_json as to_json_pp
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import HDFStore
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.wkb import dumps
from shapely.wkb import loads

from dave_core.dave_structure import create_empty_dataset
from dave_core.dave_structure import davestructure
from import change_empty_gpd
from import wkb_to_wkt
from import wkt_to_wkb
from import DAVEJSONDecoder
from import DAVEJSONEncoder
from import FromSerializableRegistry
from import dave_hook
from import decrypt_string
from import encrypt_string
from import isinstance_partial
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

# --- JSON
[docs] def from_json(file_path, encryption_key=None): """ Load a dave dataset from a JSON file. INPUT: **file_path** (str ) - absoulut path where the JSON file will be stored. If None is given \ the function returns only a JSON string **encrytion_key** (string, None) - If given, the DAVE dataset is stored as an encrypted \ json string OUTPUT: **file** (json) - the DAVE dataset in JSON format """ if hasattr(file_path, "read"): json_string = elif not Path(file_path).is_file(): raise UserWarning(f"File {file_path} does not exist!!") else: with Path(file_path).open("r") as file: json_string = # check if it is a json string in DAVE structure json_type = json_loads(json_string)["_module"] if json_type in [ "dave_core.dave_structure", ]: return from_json_string(json_string, encryption_key=encryption_key) elif json_type == "pandapower.auxiliary": print("A pandapower network is given as input and will be convertert in pandapower format") return from_json_pp(file_path) elif json_type == "ppi": print("A pandapipes network is given as input and will be convertert in pandapipes format") return from_json_ppi(file_path) else: raise UserWarning("The given json file is not a DAVE dataset")
[docs] def from_json_string(json_string, encryption_key=None): """ Load a dave dataset from a JSON string. INPUT: **json_string** (str ) - json string **encrytion_key** (string, None) - If given, the DAVE dataset is stored as an encrypted \ json string OUTPUT: **test** (json) - the DAVE dataset in JSON format """ if encryption_key is not None: json_string = decrypt_string(json_string, encryption_key) dataset = json_loads( json_string, cls=DAVEJSONDecoder, object_hook=partial(dave_hook, registry_class=FromSerializableRegistry), ) return dataset
[docs] def to_json(grid_data, file_path=None, encryption_key=None): """ This function saves a DAVE dataset in JSON format. INPUT: **grid_data** (attr Dict) - DAVE Dataset **file_path** (str , None) - absoulut path where the JSON file will be stored. If None is \ given the function returns only a JSON string **encrytion_key** (string, None) - If given, the DaVe dataset is stored as an encrypted \ json string OUTPUT: **json_string** (Str) - The Data converted to a json string """ # convert all empty geopandas objects to empty pandas objects grid_data = change_empty_gpd(grid_data) # convert DaVe dataset into a json string with custom encoder json_string = json_dumps( grid_data, cls=DAVEJSONEncoder, indent=2, isinstance_func=isinstance_partial, ) # encrypt json string if encryption_key is not None: json_string = encrypt_string(json_string, encryption_key) # only return json string if file_path is None: return json_string if hasattr(file_path, "write"): file_path.write(json_string) else: with Path(file_path).open("w") as file: file.write(json_string)
# --- HDF5
[docs] def from_hdf(file_path): """ This functions reads a dave dataset given in HDF5 format from a user given path INPUT: **file_path** (str ) - absoulut path where the HDF5 file will be stored. OUTPUT: **grid_data** (attr Dict) - DAVE Dataset Example grid_data = from_hdf(file_path) """ crs = dave_settings["crs_main"] # check if path exist if Path(file_path).exists(): # create empty dave dataset grid_data = create_empty_dataset() # open hdf file file = HDFStore(file_path) # --- create dave dataset from archiv file for key in file.keys(): # read data from file and convert geometry data = file.get(key) if "geometry" in data.keys(): data = wkb_to_wkt(data, crs) if not data.empty: # seperate the keys key_parts = key[1:].split("/") # assign data to the dave dataset if len(key_parts) == 1: if key_parts[0] == "dave_version": grid_data.dave_version = data["dave_version"][0] else: grid_data[key_parts[0]] = grid_data[key_parts[0]].append(data) elif len(key_parts) == 2: # data road junctions has to convert into series object if key_parts[1] == "road_junctions": data = data.geometry grid_data[key_parts[0]][key_parts[1]] = grid_data[key_parts[0]][ key_parts[1] ].append(data) elif len(key_parts) == 3: grid_data[key_parts[0]][key_parts[1]][key_parts[2]] = grid_data[key_parts[0]][ key_parts[1] ][key_parts[2]].append(data) # close file file.close() return grid_data else: print("Their is no suitable file at the given path")
[docs] def to_hdf(grid_data, file_path): """ This functions stores a dave dataset at a given path in the HDF5 format INPUT: **grid_data** (attr Dict) - DAVE Dataset **file_path** (str) - absoulut path where the HDF5 file will be stored. """ # create hdf file file = HDFStore(file_path) # go trough the dave dataset keys and save each data in the hdf5 file for key in grid_data.keys(): if isinstance(grid_data[key], davestructure): for key_sec in grid_data[key].keys(): if isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], davestructure): for key_trd in grid_data[key][key_sec].keys(): if isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec][key_trd], GeoDataFrame): file.put( f"/{key}/{key_sec}/{key_trd}", wkt_to_wkb(grid_data[key][key_sec][key_trd]), ) elif isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], GeoDataFrame): file.put( f"/{key}/{key_sec}", wkt_to_wkb(grid_data[key][key_sec]), ) elif ( isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], GeoSeries) and not grid_data[key][key_sec].empty ): data = DataFrame({"geometry": grid_data[key][key_sec]}) data["geometry"] = data.geometry.apply(dumps) file.put(f"/{key}/{key_sec}", data) elif isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], DataFrame): file.put(f"/{key}/{key_sec}", grid_data[key][key_sec]) elif isinstance(grid_data[key], GeoDataFrame): file.put(f"/{key}", wkt_to_wkb(grid_data[key])) elif isinstance(grid_data[key], DataFrame): file.put(f"/{key}", grid_data[key]) elif isinstance(grid_data[key], str): file.put(f"/{key}", DataFrame({key: grid_data[key]}, index=[0])) # close file file.close()
# --- geopackage (GPKG)
[docs] def df_lists_to_str(data_df): """ This function checks dataframes if there are any lists included and in the case convert them to strings. This is necessary for converting into geopackage format. INPUT: **data_df** (DataFrame) - Data which includes lists Output: **data_df** (DataFrame) - Data without including lists """ for col in data_df.columns: if any(isinstance(val, list) for val in data_df[col]): data_df[col] = data_df[col].apply(lambda x: str(x)) return data_df
[docs] def to_gpkg(grid_data, file_path): """ This functions stores a dave dataset at a given path in the geopackage format INPUT: **grid_data** (attr Dict) - DAVE Dataset **file_path** (str) - absoulut path where the gpkg file will be stored. """ # go trough the dave dataset keys and save each data in the gpkg file for key in grid_data.keys(): # if isinstance(type(grid_data[key]), davestructure): # TODO: isinstance does not work if str(type(grid_data[key])) == str(davestructure): for key_sec in grid_data[key].keys(): # case davestructure # if isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], davestructure): if str(type(grid_data[key][key_sec])) == str(davestructure): for key_trd in grid_data[key][key_sec].keys(): if ( isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec][key_trd], GeoDataFrame) and not grid_data[key][key_sec][key_trd].empty ): data = df_lists_to_str(grid_data[key][key_sec][key_trd]) data.to_file( file_path, layer=f"{key}/{key_sec}/{key_trd}", driver="GPKG", ) # case GeoDataFrame elif ( isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], GeoDataFrame) and not grid_data[key][key_sec].empty ): data = df_lists_to_str(grid_data[key][key_sec]) data.to_file(file_path, layer=f"{key}/{key_sec}", driver="GPKG") # case GeoSeries elif ( isinstance(grid_data[key][key_sec], GeoSeries) and not grid_data[key][key_sec].empty ): data = GeoDataFrame({"geometry": grid_data[key][key_sec]}) data = df_lists_to_str(data) data.to_file(file_path, layer=f"{key}/{key_sec}", driver="GPKG") elif isinstance(grid_data[key], GeoDataFrame) and not grid_data[key].empty: data = df_lists_to_str(grid_data[key]) data.to_file(file_path, layer=f"{key}", driver="GPKG")
# --- pandapower
[docs] def pp_to_json(net, file_path): """ This functions converts a pandapower model into a json file in consideration of converting \ geometry objects to strings INPUT: **net** (attr Dict) - pandapower network **file_path** (str) - absoulut path where the pandapower file will be stored in json format """ # copy network to keep the geometries in object form in the network return net_conv = net.deepcopy() # convert geometry if ( not net_conv.bus.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.bus.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Point) for x in net_conv.bus.geometry) ): net_conv.bus["geometry"] = net_conv.bus.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) if ( not net_conv.line.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.line.keys() and all(isinstance(x, (LineString, MultiLineString)) for x in net_conv.line.geometry) ): net_conv.line["geometry"] = net_conv.line.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) if ( not net_conv.trafo.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.trafo.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Point) for x in net_conv.trafo.geometry) ): net_conv.trafo["geometry"] = net_conv.trafo.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) if ( not net_conv.gen.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.gen.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Point) for x in net_conv.gen.geometry) ): net_conv.gen["geometry"] = net_conv.gen.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) if ( not net_conv.sgen.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.sgen.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Point) for x in net_conv.sgen.geometry) ): net_conv.sgen["geometry"] = net_conv.sgen.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) if ( not net_conv.substations.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.substations.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Polygon) for x in net_conv.substations.geometry) ): net_conv.substations["geometry"] = net_conv.substations.geometry.apply( lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True) ) if ( not net_conv.buildings.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.buildings.keys() and all(isinstance(x, LineString) for x in net_conv.buildings.geometry) ): net_conv.buildings["geometry"] = net_conv.buildings.geometry.apply( lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True) ) if ( not net_conv.roads.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.roads.keys() and all(isinstance(x, LineString) for x in net_conv.roads.geometry) ): net_conv.roads["geometry"] = net_conv.roads.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) if ( not net_conv.road_junctions.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.road_junctions.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Point) for x in net_conv.road_junctions.geometry) ): net_conv.road_junctions["geometry"] = net_conv.road_junctions.geometry.apply( lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True) ) if ( not net_conv.railways.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.railways.keys() and all(isinstance(x, LineString) for x in net_conv.railways.geometry) ): net_conv.railways["geometry"] = net_conv.railways.geometry.apply( lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True) ) if ( not net_conv.waterways.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.waterways.keys() and all(isinstance(x, LineString) for x in net_conv.waterways.geometry) ): net_conv.waterways["geometry"] = net_conv.waterways.geometry.apply( lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True) ) if ( not net_conv.landuse.empty and "geometry" in net_conv.landuse.keys() and all(isinstance(x, Polygon) for x in net_conv.landuse.geometry) ): net_conv.landuse["geometry"] = net_conv.landuse.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) # convert pp model to json and save the file to_json_pp(net_conv, filename=file_path)
[docs] def json_to_pp(file_path): """ This functions converts a json file into a pandapower model in consideration of converting \ geometry as strings to geometry objects INPUT: **file_path** (str) - absoulut path where the pandapower file is stored in json format OUTPUT: **net** (attr Dict) - pandapower network """ # read json file and convert to pp model net = from_json_pp(file_path) # convert geometry for element in [ "bus", "line", "trafo", "gen", "sgen", "buildings", "roads", "road_junctions", "railways", "waterways", "landuse", ]: if not net[element].empty and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in net[element].geometry): net[element]["geometry"] = net[element].geometry.apply(lambda x: loads(x, hex=True)) return net
# --- pandapipes
[docs] def ppi_to_json(net, file_path): """ This functions converts a pandapipes model into a json file in consideration of converting \ geometry objects to strings INPUT: **net** (attr Dict) - pandapipes network **file_path** (str) - absoulut path where the pandapipes file will be stored in json format """ # copy network to keep the geometries in object form in the network return net_conv = net.deepcopy() # List of attributes and corresponding geometry types to check attributes = [ ("junction", Point), ("pipe", (LineString, MultiLineString)), ("buildings", LineString), ("roads", LineString), ("road_junctions", Point), ("railways", LineString), ("waterways", LineString), ("landuse", Polygon), ] # Convert geometry for attr, geom_type in attributes: df = getattr(net_conv, attr, None) if df is not None and not df.empty and all(isinstance(x, geom_type) for x in df.geometry): df["geometry"] = df.geometry.apply(lambda x: dumps(x, hex=True)) # Convert ppi model to json and save the file to_json_ppi(net_conv, filename=file_path)
[docs] def json_to_ppi(file_path): """ This functions converts a json file into a pandapipes model in consideration of converting \ geometry as strings to geometry objects INPUT: **file_path** (str) - absoulut path where the pandapipes file is stored in json format OUTPUT: **net** (attr Dict) - pandapipes network """ # read json file and convert to pp model net = from_json_ppi(file_path) # convert geometry if not net.junction.empty and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in net.junction.geometry): net.junction["geometry"] = net.junction.geometry.apply(lambda x: loads(x, hex=True)) if not net.pipe.empty and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in net.pipe.geometry): net.pipe["geometry"] = net.pipe.geometry.apply(lambda x: loads(x, hex=True)) return net