Source code for dave_core.geography.osm_data

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from dask_geopandas import from_geopandas
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from pandas import concat
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.geometry import Polygon

from dave_core.datapool.osm_request import osm_request
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings
from dave_core.toolbox import intersection_with_area

[docs] def get_osm_data(grid_data, key, border, target_geom): """ This function requests data from osm and filter it INPUT: **grid_data** (string) - DAVE data dictionary **key** (string) - name of the object type which should be considered **border** (geometrie) - border for the data consideration **target_geom** (geometrie) - geometry of the considerd target """ data, meta_data = osm_request(data_type=key, area=border) # add meta data if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys(): grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data # check if there are data if not data.empty: # filter data parameters which are relevant for the grid modeling data = data.filter(dave_settings["osm_tags"][key][3]) data.rename(columns={"id": "osm_id"}, inplace=True) # consider only data which are linestring elements and within considered area data_dask = from_geopandas(data.geometry, npartitions=dave_settings["cpu_number"]) data = data[ (data_dask.apply(lambda x: isinstance(x, LineString), meta=data_dask).compute()) & (data_dask.intersects(target_geom).compute()) ] data.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) return data
[docs] def from_osm( grid_data, pbar, roads, buildings, landuse, railways, waterways, target_geom, progress_step=None, ): """ This function searches for data on OpenStreetMap (OSM) and filters the relevant paramerters for grid modeling target = geometry of the considerd target """ # count object types to consider for progress bar objects_list = [roads, buildings, landuse, railways, waterways] objects_con = len([x for x in objects_list if x is True]) if objects_con == 0: # update progress pbar.update(progress_step) # add a buffer to target to get a bigger view for some geographical informations target_geom_buff = target_geom.buffer(dave_settings["osm_area_buffer"]) # create border for osm query border = target_geom.convex_hull border_buffer = target_geom_buff.convex_hull # search relevant road informations in the target area if roads: roads = get_osm_data(grid_data, "road", border_buffer, target_geom_buff) grid_data.roads.roads = concat([grid_data.roads.roads, roads], ignore_index=True) # update progress pbar.update(progress_step / objects_con) # search landuse informations in the target area if landuse: # request landuse information landuse = get_osm_data(grid_data, "landuse", border_buffer, target_geom_buff) # request some leisure place information which are relevant as landuse area leisure = get_osm_data(grid_data, "leisure", border_buffer, target_geom_buff) # request some natural place information which are relevant as landuse area natural = get_osm_data( grid_data, "natural", border.buffer(0.01), target_geom ) # !!! Fehler landuse attribute # natural parameter in landuse umbenennen und zu landuse hinzufügen? landuse = concat([landuse, leisure, natural], ignore_index=True) # check if there are data for landuse if not landuse.empty: # convert geometry to polygon for _, land in landuse.iterrows(): if isinstance(land.geometry, LineString): # A LinearRing must have at least 3 coordinate tuples if len(land.geometry.coords[:]) >= 3:[, "geometry"] = Polygon(land.geometry) else: landuse.drop([], inplace=True) elif isinstance(land.geometry, Point): # delet landuse if geometry is a point landuse.drop([], inplace=True) # intersect landuses with the target area area = grid_data.area.rename(columns={"name": "bundesland"}) # filter landuses which are within the grid area landuse = intersection_with_area( landuse, area ) # !!! duplicated with intersection before? # calculate polygon area in km² landuse_3035 = landuse.to_crs(dave_settings["crs_meter"]) landuse["area_km2"] = landuse_3035.area / 1e06 # write landuse into grid_data grid_data.landuse = concat([grid_data.landuse, landuse], ignore_index=True) grid_data.landuse.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # update progress pbar.update(progress_step / objects_con) # search building informations in the target area if buildings: buildings = get_osm_data(grid_data, "building", border, target_geom) # check if there are data for buildings if not buildings.empty: # create building categories residential = dave_settings["buildings_residential"] commercial = dave_settings["buildings_commercial"] # improve building tag with landuse parameter if landuse if isinstance(landuse, bool) else not landuse.empty: landuse_retail = landuse[landuse.landuse == "retail"].geometry.unary_union landuse_industrial = landuse[landuse.landuse == "industrial"].geometry.unary_union landuse_commercial = landuse[landuse.landuse == "commercial"].geometry.unary_union for i, building in buildings.iterrows(): if building.building not in commercial: if not landuse_retail is None and building.geometry.intersects( landuse_retail ):[i, "building"] = "retail" elif not landuse_industrial is None and building.geometry.intersects( landuse_industrial ):[i, "building"] = "industrial" elif not landuse_commercial is None and building.geometry.intersects( landuse_commercial ):[i, "building"] = "commercial" # write buildings into grid_data grid_data.buildings.residential = concat( [ grid_data.buildings.residential, buildings[buildings.building.isin(residential)], ], ignore_index=True, ) grid_data.buildings.commercial = concat( [ grid_data.buildings.commercial, buildings[buildings.building.isin(commercial)], ], ignore_index=True, ) grid_data.buildings.other = concat( [ grid_data.buildings.other, buildings[~buildings.building.isin(residential + commercial)], ], ignore_index=True, ) # update progress pbar.update(progress_step / objects_con) # search railway informations in the target area if railways: railways = get_osm_data(grid_data, "railway", border_buffer, target_geom_buff) grid_data.railways = concat([grid_data.railways, railways], ignore_index=True) # update progress pbar.update(progress_step / objects_con) # search waterway informations in the target area if waterways: waterways = get_osm_data(grid_data, "waterway", border_buffer, target_geom_buff) grid_data.waterways = concat([grid_data.waterways, waterways], ignore_index=True) # update progress pbar.update(progress_step / objects_con)
[docs] def road_junctions(roads, grid_data): """ This function searches junctions for the relevant roads in the target area """ roads_3035 = roads.to_crs(dave_settings["crs_meter"]) if not roads_3035.empty: junction_points = [] while len(roads_3035) > 1: # considered line line_geometry = roads_3035.iloc[0].geometry # check considered line surrounding for possible intersectionpoints with other lines lines_cross = roads_3035[roads_3035.geometry.crosses(line_geometry.buffer(1))] if not lines_cross.empty: # find line intersections between considered line and other lines line_junctions = line_geometry.intersection(lines_cross.geometry.unary_union) if line_junctions.geom_type == "Point": junction_points.append(line_junctions) elif line_junctions.geom_type == "MultiPoint": for point in line_junctions.geoms: junction_points.append(point) # set new roads quantity for the next iterationstep roads_3035 = roads_3035.iloc[1:, :] roads_3035.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # delet duplicates junctions = GeoSeries(junction_points).drop_duplicates() # write road junctions into grid_data junctions.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_meter"], inplace=True) junctions = junctions.to_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"]) road_junctions = GeoDataFrame( {"node_type": "road_junction", "source": "dave internal", "geometry": junctions}, crs="EPSG:4326", ) grid_data.roads.road_junctions = concat( [grid_data.roads.road_junctions, road_junctions], ignore_index=True ) grid_data.roads.road_junctions.set_geometry("geometry", inplace=True)