Source code for dave_core.dave_structure

from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from pandapower.auxiliary import ADict
from pandas import DataFrame

from dave_core import __version__

class davestructure(ADict):
    This class is for the davestracture as attributed dictionary and to makes it possible to \
    showing a overview of the DAVE dataset in the python console

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        if isinstance(args[0], self.__class__):
            net = args[0]

    def __repr__(self):  # pragma: no cover
        titel = "This DAVE dataset includes the following parameter tables:"
        for key in list(self.keys()):
            if isinstance(self[key], DataFrame) and not self[key].empty:
                length = len(self[key])
                titel += f'\n   - {key} ({length} {"elements" if length > 1 else "element"})'
            if isinstance(self[key], davestructure):
                titel += f"\n   - {key}:"
                for key2 in list(self[key].keys()):
                    if (
                        isinstance(self[key][key2], DataFrame)
                        and not self[key][key2].empty
                        length = len(self[key][key2])
                        titel += f'\n\t   - {key2} ({length} {"elements" if length > 1 else "element"})'
                    if isinstance(self[key][key2], davestructure):
                        titel += f"\n\t   - {key2}:"
                        for key3 in list(self[key][key2].keys()):
                            if (
                                isinstance(self[key][key2][key3], DataFrame)
                                and not self[key][key2][key3].empty
                                length = len(self[key][key2][key3])
                                titel += f'\n\t\t   - {key3} ({length} {"elements" if length > 1 else "element"})'
        return titel

[docs] def create_empty_dataset(): """ This function initializes the dave datastructure and create all possible data categories OUTPUT: **grid_data** (attrdict) - dave attrdict with empty tables EXAMPLE: grid_data = create_empty_dataset() """ # define dave structure grid_data = davestructure( { # target data "area": GeoDataFrame([]), "target_input": DataFrame(), "buildings": davestructure( { "commercial": GeoDataFrame([]), "residential": GeoDataFrame([]), "other": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), "roads": davestructure( { "roads": GeoDataFrame([]), "road_junctions": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), "landuse": GeoDataFrame([]), "railways": GeoDataFrame([]), "waterways": GeoDataFrame([]), # power grid data "ehv_data": davestructure( {"ehv_nodes": GeoDataFrame([]), "ehv_lines": GeoDataFrame([])} ), "hv_data": davestructure( {"hv_nodes": GeoDataFrame([]), "hv_lines": GeoDataFrame([])} ), "mv_data": davestructure( {"mv_nodes": GeoDataFrame([]), "mv_lines": GeoDataFrame([])} ), "lv_data": davestructure( {"lv_nodes": GeoDataFrame([]), "lv_lines": GeoDataFrame([])} ), "components_power": davestructure( { "loads": GeoDataFrame([]), "renewable_powerplants": GeoDataFrame([]), "conventional_powerplants": GeoDataFrame([]), "transformers": davestructure( { "ehv_ehv": GeoDataFrame([]), "ehv_hv": GeoDataFrame([]), "hv_mv": GeoDataFrame([]), "mv_lv": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), "substations": davestructure( { "ehv_hv": GeoDataFrame([]), "hv_mv": GeoDataFrame([]), "mv_lv": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), } ), # gas grid data "hp_data": davestructure( { "hp_junctions": GeoDataFrame([]), "hp_pipes": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), "mp_data": davestructure( { "mp_junctions": GeoDataFrame([]), "mp_pipes": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), "lp_data": davestructure( { "lp_junctions": GeoDataFrame([]), "lp_pipes": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), "components_gas": davestructure( { "compressors": GeoDataFrame([]), "sinks": GeoDataFrame([]), "sources": GeoDataFrame([]), "storages_gas": GeoDataFrame([]), "valves": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), # building height data "building_height": GeoDataFrame([]), # eubucco building characteristic "eubucco": davestructure( { "building_height": GeoDataFrame([]), "building_age": GeoDataFrame([]), "building_type": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), # census data "census_data": davestructure( { "population": GeoDataFrame([]), } ), # auxillary "dave_version": __version__, "meta_data": {}, } ) return grid_data