Source code for dave_core.datapool.read_data

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

import os
from pathlib import Path

import requests
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import points_from_xy
from pandas import HDFStore
from pandas import Series
from pandas import read_excel
from pandas import read_hdf
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.wkb import loads
from xmlschema import XMLSchema

from dave_core.settings import dave_settings
from dave_core.toolbox import get_data_path

[docs] def download_data(filename): """ Download data from DAVE_data ownCloud storage """ url = f"{filename}" file_path = os.path.join(get_data_path(dirname="data"), filename) r = requests.get(url, stream=True, timeout=30) if r.ok: with Path(file_path).open("wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024 * 8): if chunk: f.write(chunk) f.flush() os.fsync(f.fileno()) else: print(f"Download failed: status code {r.status_code}\n{r.text}")
[docs] def read_postal(): """ This data includes the town name, the area, the population and the geometry for all german postalcode areas OUTPUT: **postal areas** (GeodataFrame) - all german postalcode areas EXAMPLE: import dave.datapool as data postal = data.read_postal() """ # check if data is existing in datapool otherwise download it filename = "postalcodesger.h5" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) # get data from datapool postalger = read_hdf(get_data_path(filename, "data")) # convert geometry postalger["geometry"] = postalger.geometry.apply(loads) postalger = GeoDataFrame(postalger, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) # read meta data filename = "postalcodesger_meta.xlsx" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) meta_data = read_excel(get_data_path(filename, "data"), sheet_name=None) return postalger, meta_data
[docs] def read_federal_states(): """ This data includes the name, the length, the area, the population and the geometry for all german federal states OUTPUT: **federal_statess** (GeodataFrame) - all german federal states EXAMPLE: import dave.datapool as data federal = data.read_federal_states() """ # check if data is existing in datapool otherwise download it filename = "federalstatesger.h5" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) # get data from datapool federalstatesger = read_hdf(get_data_path(filename, "data")) # convert geometry federalstatesger["geometry"] = federalstatesger.geometry.apply(loads) federalstatesger = GeoDataFrame(federalstatesger, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) # read meta data filename = "federalstatesger_meta.xlsx" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) meta_data = read_excel(get_data_path(filename, "data"), sheet_name=None) return federalstatesger, meta_data
[docs] def read_nuts_regions(year): """ This data includes the name and the geometry for the nuts regions of the years 2013, 2016 and 2021 OUTPUT: **nuts_regions** (GeodataFrame) - nuts regions of the years 2013, 2016 and 2021 EXAMPLE: import dave.datapool as data nuts = data.read_nuts_regions() """ # check if data is existing in datapool otherwise download it filename = "nuts_regions.h5" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) # get data from datapool if year == "2013": nuts_regions = read_hdf(get_data_path(filename, "data"), key="/nuts_2013") nuts_regions["geometry"] = nuts_regions.geometry.apply(loads) nuts_regions = GeoDataFrame(nuts_regions, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) elif year == "2016": nuts_regions = read_hdf(get_data_path(filename, "data"), key="/nuts_2016") nuts_regions["geometry"] = nuts_regions.geometry.apply(loads) nuts_regions = GeoDataFrame(nuts_regions, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) elif year == "2021": nuts_regions = read_hdf(get_data_path(filename, "data"), key="/nuts_2021") nuts_regions["geometry"] = nuts_regions.geometry.apply(loads) nuts_regions = GeoDataFrame(nuts_regions, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"]) # read meta data filename = "nuts_regions_meta.xlsx" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) meta_data = read_excel(get_data_path(filename, "data"), sheet_name=None) return nuts_regions, meta_data
[docs] def read_household_consumption(): """ This data includes informations for the german avarage houshold consumption and the avarage houshold sizes per federal state OUTPUT: **houshold consumption data** (dict) - Informations for the german high pressure gas grid EXAMPLE: import dave.datapool as data household_consumption = data.read_household_consumption() """ # check if data is existing in datapool otherwise download it filename = "household_power_consumption.h5" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) # --- get data from datapool # read data consumption_data = HDFStore(get_data_path(filename, "data")) # consumption avarage household_consumptions = consumption_data.get("/household_consumptions") household_sizes = consumption_data.get("/household_sizes") # close file consumption_data.close() # create dictonary consumption_data = { "household_consumptions": household_consumptions, "household_sizes": household_sizes, } # read meta data filename = "household_power_consumption_meta.xlsx" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) meta_data = read_excel( get_data_path(filename, "data"), sheet_name=None, ) return consumption_data, meta_data
[docs] def read_scigridgas_iggielgn(): """ This data includes informations for the europe gas grid produced by scigridgas. The dataset is know as "iggielgn". OUTPUT: **scigridgas iggielgn data** (dict) - Informations for the europe gas grid EXAMPLE: import dave.datapool as data scigridgas_iggielgn = data.read_scigridgas_iggielgn() """ # check if data is existing in datapool otherwise download it filename = "scigridgas_iggielgn.h5" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) # --- get data from datapool # read data iggielgn_data = HDFStore(get_data_path(filename, "data")) # border_points border_points = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_border_points") border_points = GeoDataFrame( border_points, geometry=points_from_xy(border_points.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # compressors compressors = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_compressors") compressors = GeoDataFrame( compressors, geometry=points_from_xy(compressors.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # comsumer consumers = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_consumers") consumers = GeoDataFrame( consumers, geometry=points_from_xy(consumers.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # lngss lngs = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_lngs") lngs = GeoDataFrame( lngs, geometry=points_from_xy(lngs.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # nodes nodes = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_nodes") nodes = GeoDataFrame( nodes, geometry=points_from_xy(nodes.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # pipe_segments pipe_segments = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_pipe_segments") = pipe_segments.long = pipe_segments.long.apply(eval) geometry = [LineString(list(zip(pipe.long, for i, pipe in pipe_segments.iterrows()] pipe_segments = GeoDataFrame( pipe_segments, geometry=Series(geometry), crs=dave_settings["crs_main"] ) # productions productions = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_productions") productions = GeoDataFrame( productions, geometry=points_from_xy(productions.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # storages storages = iggielgn_data.get("/scigridgas_iggielgn_storages") storages = GeoDataFrame( storages, geometry=points_from_xy(storages.long,, crs=dave_settings["crs_main"], ) # close file iggielgn_data.close() # create dictonary storage_data = { "border_points": border_points, "compressors": compressors, "consumers": consumers, "lngs": lngs, "nodes": nodes, "pipe_segments": pipe_segments, "productions": productions, "storages": storages, } # read meta data filename = "scigridgas_iggielgn_meta.xlsx" if not Path(get_data_path(filename, "data")).is_file(): download_data(filename) meta_data = read_excel(get_data_path(filename, "data"), sheet_name=None) return storage_data, meta_data
[docs] def read_gaslib(): # read data from datapool schema = XMLSchema(get_data_path("gaslib/Gas.xsd", "data")) gaslib_dict = schema.to_dict(get_data_path("gaslib/", "data")) # create data dictionary gaslib_data = { "nodes": gaslib_dict["framework:nodes"], "connections": gaslib_dict["framework:connections"], } # read meta data meta_data = gaslib_dict["framework:information"] return gaslib_data, meta_data