Source code for dave_core.datapool.osm_request

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from collections import namedtuple
from time import sleep
from urllib.parse import urlencode
from urllib.request import urlopen

from defusedxml.ElementTree import fromstring
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import concat
from pandas import read_excel
from pandas import to_datetime
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point
from six import string_types

from dave_core.datapool.read_data import get_data_path
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

[docs] def osm_request(data_type, area): """ This function requests OSM data from database or OSM directly """ data_param = dave_settings["osm_tags"][data_type] request_data = GeoDataFrame([]) for osm_type in data_param[2]: # create tags tags = ( f'{data_param[0]}~"{"|".join(data_param[1])}"' if isinstance(data_param[1], list) else f"{data_param[0]}" ) # get data from OSM directly via API query data, meta_data = query_osm(osm_type, area, recurse="down", tags=tags) request_data = concat([request_data, data], ignore_index=True) return request_data, meta_data
# --- request directly from OSM via Overpass API and geopandas_osm package # This functions are based on the geopandas_osm python package, which was published under the # following license: # The MIT License (MIT) # Copyright (c) 2014 Jacob Wasserman # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all # copies or substantial portions of the Software. # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE # SOFTWARE. OSMData = namedtuple( "OSMData", ("nodes", "waynodes", "waytags", "relmembers", "reltags") ) _crs = "epsg:4326" # Tags to remove so we don't clobber the output. This list comes from # osmtogeojson's index.js ( uninteresting_tags = { "source", "source_ref", "source:ref", "history", "attribution", "created_by", "tiger:county", "tiger:tlid", "tiger:upload_uuid", } # def query_osm( typ, bbox=None, recurse=None, tags="", raw=False, meta=False, **kwargs ): """ Query the Overpass API to obtain OpenStreetMap data. See also: The OSM XML data is parsed into an intermediate set of DataFrames. By passing in 'render=False', this will return these DataFrames stored as the OSMData namedtuple. If render is True, then the DataFrames are built into their corresponding geometries. Parameters ---------- typ : {'node', 'way', 'relation'} The type of OSM data to query bbox : (min lon, min lat, max lon, max lat) bounding box Optional bounding box to restrict the query. Unless the query is extremely restricted, you usually want to specify this. It can be retrieved from GeoPandas objects as 'df.total_bounds' or from Shapely objects as 'geom.bounds' recurse : {'up, 'down', 'uprel', 'downrel'} This is used to get more data than the original query. If 'typ' is 'way', you'll usually want this set to 'down' which grabs all nodes of the matching ways tags : string or list of query strings See also the OverpassQL (referenced above) for more tag options Examples: tags='highway' Matches objects with a 'highway' tag tags='highway=motorway' <-- Matches ob Matches objects where the 'highway' tag is 'motorway' tags='name~[Mm]agazine' Match if the 'name' tag matches the regular expression Specify a list of tag requests to match all of them tags=['highway', 'name~"^Magazine"'] Match tags that have 'highway' and where 'name' starts with 'Magazine' raw : boolean, default False Return the raw XML data returned by the request render : boolean, default True Parse the output and return a final GeoDataFrame meta : boolean, default False Indicates whether to query the metadata with each OSM object. This includes the changeset, timestamp, uid, user, and version. Returns ------- df -GeoDataFrame Note that there's probably a bit more filtering required to get the exact desired data. For example if you only want ways, you may want to grab only the linestrings like: df = df[df.type == 'LineString'] """ url = _build_url(typ, bbox, recurse, tags, meta) # add time delay because osm doesn't alowed more than 1 request per second. time_delay = dave_settings["osm_time_delay"] # TODO: Raise on non-200 (or 400-599) # with urlopen(url) as response: # content = while 1: try: if not url.startswith(("http:", "https:")): raise ValueError("URL must start with 'http:' or 'https:'") with urlopen(url) as response: # noqa: S310 content = if response.getcode() == 200: break except Exception as inst: print(f'\n Retry OSM query because of "{inst}"') # add time delay sleep(time_delay) # get meta informations meta_data = read_excel( get_data_path("osm_meta.xlsx", "data"), sheet_name=None ) if raw: return content, meta_data return read_osm(content, **kwargs), meta_data def _build_url(typ, bbox=None, recurse=None, tags="", meta=False): recurse_map = { "up": "<", "uprel": "<<", "down": ">", "downrel": ">>", } if recurse is None: recursestr = "" else: try: recursestr = recurse_map[recurse] except KeyError as e: raise ValueError( "Unrecognized recurse value '{}'. " "Must be one of: {}.".format( recurse, ", ".join(recurse_map.keys()) ) ) from e # Allow tags to be a single string if isinstance(tags, string_types) and tags: tags = [tags] queries = "".join(f"[{t}]" for t in tags) # Overpass QL takes the bounding box as # (min latitude, min longitude, max latitude, max longitude) if bbox is None: bboxstr = "" else: # bboxstr = "({})".format( #','.join(str(b) for b in (bbox[1], bbox[0], bbox[3], bbox[2]))) bboxstr = '(poly:"{}")'.format( " ".join(f"{c[1]} {c[0]}" for c in bbox.exterior.coords) ) metastr = "meta" if meta else "" query = f"({typ}{bboxstr}{queries};{recursestr};);out {metastr};" url = "".join( [ "", urlencode({"data": query}), ] ) return url def read_osm(content, render=True, **kwargs): """ Parse OSM XML data and store as several DataFrames. Optionally "render" the DataFrames to GeoDataFrames. """ doc = fromstring(content) nodes = read_nodes(doc) waynodes, waytags = read_ways(doc) relmembers, reltags = read_relations(doc) # check if all requested variables are empty # if nodes.empty and waynodes.empty and waytags.empty and relmembers.empty and reltags.empty: data = OSMData(nodes, waynodes, waytags, relmembers, reltags) if render: data = render_to_gdf(data, **kwargs) return data def read_nodes(doc): # Example: # <node id="1705717514" lat="42.3630798" lon="-71.0997601"> # <tag k="crossing" v="zebra"/> # <tag k="highway" v="crossing"/> # <tag k="source" v="Bing"/> # </node> nodes = [_element_to_dict(xmlnode) for xmlnode in doc.findall("node")] nodes = _dict_to_dataframe(nodes) if not nodes.empty: nodes["lon"] = nodes["lon"].astype(float) nodes["lat"] = nodes["lat"].astype(float) return nodes def _element_to_dict(element): d = element.attrib.copy() for t in element.findall("tag"): k = t.attrib["k"] if k not in uninteresting_tags: d[k] = t.attrib["v"] return d def _dict_to_dataframe(d): df = DataFrame.from_dict(d) if "timestamp" in df: df["timestamp"] = to_datetime(df["timestamp"]) return df def read_ways(doc): # Example: # <way id="8614593"> # <nd ref="61326730"/> # <nd ref="61326036"/> # <nd ref="61321194"/> # <tag k="attribution" v="Office of Geographic and Environmental Information (MassGIS)"/> # <tag k="condition" v="fair"/> # <tag k="created_by" v="JOSM"/> # <tag k="highway" v="residential"/> # <tag k="lanes" v="2"/> # <tag k="massgis:way_id" v="171099"/> # <tag k="name" v="Centre Street"/> # <tag k="source" v="massgis_import_v0.1_20071008165629"/> # <tag k="width" v="13.4"/> # </way> waytags = [] waynodes = [] for xmlway in doc.findall("way"): wayid = xmlway.attrib["id"] for i, xmlnd in enumerate(xmlway.findall("nd")): d = xmlnd.attrib.copy() d["id"] = wayid d["index"] = i waynodes.append(d) tags = _element_to_dict(xmlway) waytags.append(tags) waynodes = _dict_to_dataframe(waynodes) waytags = _dict_to_dataframe(waytags) return waynodes, waytags def read_relations(doc): # Example: # <relation id="1933745"> # <member type="way" ref="134055159" role="outer"/> # <member type="way" ref="260533047" role="outer"/> # <member type="way" ref="142867799" role="outer"/> # <member type="way" ref="134063352" role="outer"/> # <member type="way" ref="142803038" role="outer"/> # <member type="way" ref="134056144" role="outer"/> # <member type="way" ref="134056141" role="outer"/> # <tag k="admin_level" v="8"/> # <tag k="boundary" v="administrative"/> # <tag k="name" v="Cambridge"/> # <tag k="type" v="boundary"/> # <tag k="wikipedia" v="en:Cambridge, Massachusetts"/> # </relation> reltags = [] relmembers = [] for xmlrel in doc.findall("relation"): relid = xmlrel.attrib["id"] for i, xmlmember in enumerate(xmlrel.findall("member")): d = xmlmember.attrib.copy() d["id"] = relid d["index"] = i relmembers.append(d) tags = _element_to_dict(xmlrel) reltags.append(tags) relmembers = _dict_to_dataframe(relmembers) reltags = _dict_to_dataframe(reltags) return relmembers, reltags def render_to_gdf(osmdata, drop_untagged=True): nodes = render_nodes(osmdata.nodes, drop_untagged) ways = render_ways(osmdata.nodes, osmdata.waynodes, osmdata.waytags) # set landuse tag from origin relation at relation members who has no landuse tag if ( (ways is not None) and ("landuse" in ways.keys()) and (not osmdata.relmembers.empty) ): for i, way in ways.iterrows(): # get and add origin relation id rel_id = ( osmdata.relmembers[osmdata.relmembers.ref ==].iloc[0].id )[i, "relation_id"] = rel_id # get and add origin relation landuse if needed osm_reltag = osmdata.reltags[ == rel_id].iloc[0] if "landuse" in osm_reltag.keys() and str(way.landuse) == "nan":[i, "landuse"] = osm_reltag.landuse if ways is not None: nodes = concat([nodes, ways], ignore_index=True) nodes = nodes.set_geometry("geometry", crs=_crs) return nodes def render_nodes(nodes, drop_untagged=True): # check if their are nodes if not nodes.empty: # Drop nodes that have no tags, convert lon/lat to points if drop_untagged: nodes = nodes.dropna( subset=nodes.columns.drop(["id", "lon", "lat"]), how="all" ) points = [Point(x["lon"], x["lat"]) for i, x in nodes.iterrows()] nodes = nodes.drop(["lon", "lat"], axis=1) nodes = nodes.set_geometry(points, crs=_crs) return nodes def render_ways(nodes, waynodes, waytags): if waynodes is None or waynodes.empty: return None node_points = nodes[["id", "lon", "lat"]] def wayline(df): # df = df.sort_index(by='index')[['lon', 'lat']] # for older pandas version df = df.sort_values(by="index")[["lon", "lat"]] if len(df) > 1: return LineString(df.values) # Group the ways and create a LineString for each one. way_lines is a # Series where the index is the way id and the value is the LineString. # Merge it with the waytags to get a single GeoDataFrame of ways waynodes = waynodes.merge( node_points, left_on="ref", right_on="id", suffixes=("", "_nodes") ) way_lines = waynodes.groupby("id").apply(wayline) ways = waytags.set_index("id").set_geometry(way_lines, crs=_crs) ways.reset_index(inplace=True) return ways