Source code for dave_core.converter.read_simone

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import Series
from pandas import read_json
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point

from dave_core.dave_structure import create_empty_dataset
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

[docs] def read_simone_file( topology_path, scenario_path=None, result_path=None, crs="epsg:4326" ): """ This function reads given simone files in xml format INPUT: **topology_path** (str) - path to the simone network XML file \n OPTIONAL: **scenario_path** (str, default None) - path to the simone scenario file \n **result_path** (str, default None) - path to the simone result file \n **crs** (str, default "epsg:4326") - coordinate system of the data \n OUTPUT: **data** (dict) - dict which contains all data as GeoDataFrames \n """ # read data from xml data_nodes = {} data_pipes = {} data_compressor = {} data_valve = {} root = parse(f"{topology_path}").getroot() for child in root: # create dict for nodes if child.tag == "NODES": for elm in child: data_nodes[elm.attrib["id"]] = { "source_name": elm.attrib["name"], "type": elm.attrib["alias"] if len(elm.attrib["alias"]) > 0 else float("nan"), "geometry": Point( float(elm.attrib["x"]), float(elm.attrib["y"]) ), "height_m": float(elm.attrib["height"]), "source_id": elm.attrib[ "id" ], # => das dann auch bei scigrid machen, damit man einheitliches naming hat "source": "SIMONE", "supply": 1 if "supply" in elm.attrib else 0, } # !!! supply noch abändern das es nicht als parameter steht # create dict for all elements that are not a node elif child.tag == "ELEMENTS": for elm in child: # create pipe elements if elm.attrib["type"] == "pipe": data_pipes[elm.attrib["id"]] = { "from_junction": elm[0].attrib["id"], "to_junction": elm[1].attrib["id"], "source_name": elm.attrib["name"], "type": ( elm.attrib["alias"] if len(elm.attrib["alias"]) > 0 else float("nan") ), "pwm": elm.attrib["pwm"], "dm": elm.attrib["dm"], "pwp": elm.attrib["pwp"], "roughness_mm": ( float(elm.attrib["roughness"]) if elm.attrib["roughness_unit"] == "mm" else f"{elm.attrib['roughness']}_{elm.attrib['roughness_unit']}" ), "diameter_mm": ( float(elm.attrib["diameter"]) if elm.attrib["diameter_unit"] == "mm" else f"{elm.attrib['diameter']}_{elm.attrib['diameter_unit']}" ), "length_km": ( float(elm.attrib["length"]) if elm.attrib["length_unit"] == "km" else f"{elm.attrib['length']}_{elm.attrib['length_unit']}" ), "source_id": elm.attrib["id"], "source": "SIMONE", "geometry": LineString( [ data_nodes[elm[0].attrib["id"]]["geometry"], data_nodes[elm[1].attrib["id"]]["geometry"], ] ), } # create compressor station elements elif elm.attrib["type"] == "compressor station": data_compressor[elm.attrib["id"]] = { "from_junction": elm[0].attrib["id"], "to_junction": elm[1].attrib["id"], "source_name": elm.attrib["name"], "type": ( elm.attrib["alias"] if len(elm.attrib["alias"]) > 0 else float("nan") ), "Rin": elm.attrib["Rin"], "PIMin": elm.attrib["PIMin"], "Rout": elm.attrib["Rout"], "POMax": elm.attrib["POMax"], "pwm": elm.attrib["pwm"], "dm": elm.attrib["dm"], "pwp": elm.attrib["pwp"], "diameter_mm": ( float(elm.attrib["diameter"]) if elm.attrib["diameter_unit"] == "mm" else f"{elm.attrib['diameter']}_{elm.attrib['diameter_unit']}" ), "source_id": elm.attrib["id"], "source": "SIMONE", } # create compressor station elements elif elm.attrib["type"] == "compressor station": data_compressor[elm.attrib["id"]] = { "from_junction": elm[0].attrib["id"], "to_junction": elm[1].attrib["id"], "source_name": elm.attrib["name"], "type": ( elm.attrib["alias"] if len(elm.attrib["alias"]) > 0 else float("nan") ), "Rin": elm.attrib["Rin"], "PIMin": elm.attrib["PIMin"], "Rout": elm.attrib["Rout"], "POMax": elm.attrib["POMax"], "pwm": elm.attrib["pwm"], "dm": elm.attrib["dm"], "pwp": elm.attrib["pwp"], "diameter_mm": ( float(elm.attrib["diameter"]) if elm.attrib["diameter_unit"] == "mm" else f"{elm.attrib['diameter']}_{elm.attrib['diameter_unit']}" ), "source_id": elm.attrib["id"], "source": "SIMONE", } # create valve elements elif elm.attrib["type"] == "valve": data_valve[elm.attrib["id"]] = { "from_junction": elm[0].attrib["id"], "to_junction": elm[1].attrib["id"], "source_name": elm.attrib["name"], "type": ( elm.attrib["alias"] if len(elm.attrib["alias"]) > 0 else float("nan") ), "pwm": elm.attrib["pwm"], "dm": elm.attrib["dm"], "pwp": elm.attrib["pwp"], "diameter_mm": ( float(elm.attrib["diameter"]) if elm.attrib["diameter_unit"] == "mm" else f"{elm.attrib['diameter']}_{elm.attrib['diameter_unit']}" ), "source_id": elm.attrib["id"], "source": "SIMONE", } elif elm.attrib["type"] == "control valve": data_valve[elm.attrib["id"]] = { "from_junction": elm[0].attrib["id"], "to_junction": elm[1].attrib["id"], "source_name": elm.attrib["name"], "type": ( elm.attrib["alias"] if len(elm.attrib["alias"]) > 0 else float("nan") ), "pwm": elm.attrib["pwm"], "dm": elm.attrib["dm"], "pwp": elm.attrib["pwp"], "POMax": elm.attrib["POMax"], "Rin": elm.attrib["Rin"], "PIMin": elm.attrib["PIMin"], "Rout": elm.attrib["Rout"], "diameter_mm": ( float(elm.attrib["diameter"]) if elm.attrib["diameter_unit"] == "mm" else f"{elm.attrib['diameter']}_{elm.attrib['diameter_unit']}" ), "source_id": elm.attrib["id"], "source": "SIMONE", } # create joint elements # !!! todo # prepare data data_nodes = DataFrame(data_nodes).T data_pipes = DataFrame(data_pipes).T data_compressor = DataFrame(data_compressor).T data_valve = DataFrame(data_valve).T data = { "node": GeoDataFrame( data_nodes, geometry=data_nodes["geometry"], crs=crs ), "pipe": GeoDataFrame( data_pipes, geometry=data_pipes.geometry, crs=crs ), "compressor station": data_compressor, "valve": data_valve, # 'joint': data_elements[data_elements.type == 'joint'], } # projecting geodata to epsg 4326 if neccessary if crs != "epsg:4326": data["node"] = data["node"].to_crs(crs="epsg:4326") data["pipe"] = data["pipe"].to_crs(crs="epsg:4326") # read scenario data from file if scenario_path: data["node_parameter"], data["element_parameter"] = read_json_simone( scenario_path ) # read result data from file if result_path: data["node_results"], data["element_results"] = read_json_simone( result_path ) return data
def read_json_simone(filepath): # read scenario and result data n_df = read_json(f"{filepath}_nodes.json", orient="records", lines=True) e_df = read_json(f"{filepath}_elements.json", orient="records", lines=True) return n_df, e_df
[docs] def simone_to_dave(data_simone): """ This functions converts data from simone into DAVE Format INPUT: **data_simone** (dict) - all available simone data. Including Topology \ and optional includes scenario and result data \n """ # create empty dave dataset grid_data = create_empty_dataset() # write data into dave dataset grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions = data_simone["node"] grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes = data_simone["pipe"] grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes["max_pressure_bar"] = 80 grid_data.components_gas.compressors = data_simone["compressor station"] grid_data.components_gas.valves = data_simone["valve"] # add dave name grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions = ( grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.reset_index(drop=True) ) grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series( [f"junction_1_{x}" for x in grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.index] ), ) grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes = grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes.reset_index( drop=True ) grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"pipe_1_{x}" for x in grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes.index]), ) # TODO: ids ins dave namen ändern # auch noch dave name für valve und cs # write scenario data into dave dataset if ( "node_parameter" in data_simone.keys() and "element_parameter" in data_simone.keys() ): # filter scenario data n_par = data_simone["node_parameter"] e_par = data_simone["element_parameter"] # create sources factor_mw_to_kb_per_s = dave_settings["factor_mw_to_kb_per_s"] grid_data.components_gas.sources = n_par[ (n_par["supply"] == 1) & ( n_par["parameters"].apply( lambda x: "Q" in x and "PSET" not in x ) ) ] grid_data.components_gas.sources["mdot_kg_per_s"] = ( grid_data.components_gas.sources[ "values" ].apply(lambda x: x[0] * factor_mw_to_kb_per_s) ) grid_data.components_gas.sources.rename( columns={"name": "source_name"}, inplace=True ) grid_data.components_gas.sources["junction"] = ( grid_data.components_gas.sources[ "source_name" ].apply( lambda x: grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions[ grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.source_name == x ] .iloc[0] .source_id ) ) # create sinks grid_data.components_gas.sinks = n_par[ (n_par["supply"] == 0) & (n_par["parameters"].apply(lambda x: "Q" in x)) ] grid_data.components_gas.sinks["mdot_kg_per_s"] = ( grid_data.components_gas.sinks[ "values" ].apply(lambda x: x[0] * factor_mw_to_kb_per_s) ) grid_data.components_gas.sinks.rename( columns={"name": "source_name"}, inplace=True ) grid_data.components_gas.sinks["junction"] = ( grid_data.components_gas.sinks[ "source_name" ].apply( lambda x: grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions[ grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.source_name == x ] .iloc[0] .source_id ) ) # adjust valve data grid_data.components_gas.valves["opened"] = ( grid_data.components_gas.valves.source_name.apply( lambda x: ( True if e_par[e_par["name"] == x].iloc[0]["values"][0] in ["BP", "ON"] else False ) ) ) # adjust compressor stations # TODO: add compressor station adjustments based on e_par # adjust junction data for external grid junctions ext_grid = n_par[ (n_par["supply"] == 1) & (n_par["parameters"].apply(lambda x: "PSET" in x)) ] for _, junc in ext_grid.iterrows(): junction_idx = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions[ grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.source_name == junc["name"] ].index[0][ junction_idx, f"Pset_{ext_grid.units.iloc[0][1]}" ] = junc["values"][1] # write result data into dave dataset if ( "node_results" in data_simone.keys() and "element_results" in data_simone.keys() ): # filter scenario data n_res = data_simone["node_results"] e_res = data_simone["element_results"] # add junction result data grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions["res_simone_p_barg"] = ( grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.source_name.apply( lambda x: ( n_res[n_res["name"] == x].iloc[0]["values"][1] if not n_res[n_res["name"] == x].empty else "nan" ) ) ) grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions["res_simone_q_eff_mw"] = ( grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.source_name.apply( lambda x: ( n_res[n_res["name"] == x].iloc[0]["values"][0] if not n_res[n_res["name"] == x].empty else "nan" ) ) ) # add pipe result data pipe_res = e_res[e_res.type == "pipe"] grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes["res_simone_p_barg"] = ( grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes.source_name.apply( lambda x: pipe_res[pipe_res["name"] == x].iloc[0]["values"][2] ) ) grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes["res_simone_v_m/s"] = ( grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes.source_name.apply( lambda x: pipe_res[pipe_res["name"] == x].iloc[0]["values"][1] ) ) return grid_data