Source code for dave_core.converter.extend_panda

from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from geopandas import GeoSeries
from pandapipes import pandapipesNet
from pandapipes import toolbox as ppi_toolbox
from pandapower import toolbox as pp_toolbox
from pandapower.auxiliary import pandapowerNet
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import concat
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import Point
from shapely.ops import linemerge

from dave_core.create import create_grid

[docs] def get_grid_area(net, buffer=10, crs="epsg:4326", convex_hull=True): """ Calculation of the grid area on the basis of an pandapower / pandapipes \ model and the inclusion of a buffer.\n The crs will temporary project to epsg 3035 for adding the buffer in meter \ as unit Input: **net** (pandapower/pandapipes net) - A energy grid in pandapower or \ pandapipes format \n **buffer** (float, 10) - Buffer around the considered network \ elements in meter \n **crs** (str, 'epsg:4326') - Definition of the network coordinate \ reference system \n **convex_hull** (boolean, True)- If true the the convex hull will \ calculated for the given lines instaed of onyly using a buffer \ around the lines \n OUTPUT: **grid_area** (Shapely polygon) - Polygon which defines the grid area \ for a given network """ # define grid area by calculating the convexx hull for the lines/pipes if isinstance(net, pandapowerNet): grid_lines = GeoDataFrame( net.line, geometry=net.line_geodata.coords.apply(lambda x: LineString(x)), crs=crs, ) if isinstance(net, pandapipesNet): grid_lines = GeoDataFrame( net.pipe, geometry=net.pipe_geodata.coords.apply(lambda x: LineString(x)), crs=crs, ) # change crs for using meter as unit if crs != "epsg:3035": grid_lines.to_crs(crs="epsg:3035", inplace=True) # define considered area if convex_hull: grid_area = grid_lines.geometry.unary_union.convex_hull # add buffer to the grid_area polygon grid_area_buffer = grid_area.buffer(buffer) grid_area_buffer = GeoSeries([grid_area_buffer], crs="epsg:3035") grid_area_buffer = grid_area_buffer.to_crs(crs=crs) else: # Create MultiLineString from Lines and merge them lines_merged = linemerge(grid_lines.geometry.to_list()) grid_area = GeoSeries(lines_merged, crs="epsg:3035") # add buffer to the grid_area polygon grid_area_buffer = grid_area.buffer(buffer) grid_area_buffer = grid_area_buffer.to_crs(crs=crs) return grid_area_buffer.iloc[0]
[docs] def reduce_network(net, area, cross_border=True, crs="epsg:4326"): """ Reduce a pandapower/pandapipes network to a smaller area of interest Input: **net** (pandapower/pandapipes net) - A energy grid in pandapower or \ pandapipes format \n **area** (shapely Polygon) - Polygon of the considered network area \n **cross_border** (bool, default True) - Definition how to deal with \ lines that going beyond the area border. If True these lines will \ considered and their associated nodes outside the area border as \ well. If False these lines will deleted and all network elements \ are within the area border \n **crs** (str, default: 'epsg:4326') - Definition of the network \ coordinate reference system \n OUTPUT: **net** (pandapower/pandapipes net) - network reduced to considered area """ # TODO: Check if net and area are in the same crs. Otherwise change area crs to the net one if isinstance(net, pandapowerNet): if cross_border: # check lines which not intersecting with area lines = GeoDataFrame( net.line, geometry=net.line_geodata.coords.apply( lambda x: LineString(x) ), crs=crs, ) lines_in = lines[lines.geometry.intersects(area)] buses_in_idx = set(concat([lines_in.from_bus, lines_in.to_bus])) buses_out_idx = list(set(net.bus.index) - buses_in_idx) else: # check buses which not intersecting with area buses = GeoDataFrame( net.bus, geometry=net.bus_geodata.apply(lambda x: Point(x), axis=1), crs=crs, ) buses_out_idx = buses[~buses.geometry.intersects(area)].index pp_toolbox.drop_buses(net, buses_out_idx, drop_elements=True) if isinstance(net, pandapipesNet): if cross_border: # check pipes which not intersecting with area pipes = GeoDataFrame( net.pipe, geometry=net.pipe_geodata.coords.apply( lambda x: LineString(x) ), crs=crs, ) pipes_in = pipes[pipes.geometry.intersects(area)] junctions_in_idx = set( concat([pipes_in.from_junction, pipes_in.to_junction]) ) junctions_out_idx = list( set(net.junction.index) - junctions_in_idx ) else: # check buses which not intersecting with area junctions = GeoDataFrame( net.junction, geometry=net.junction_geodata.apply( lambda x: Point(x), axis=1 ), crs=crs, ) junctions_out_idx = junctions[ ~junctions.geometry.intersects(area) ].index ppi_toolbox.drop_junctions(net, junctions_out_idx, drop_elements=True) return net
[docs] def request_geo_data(grid_area, crs, save_data=True): """ This function requests all available geodata for a given area from DAVE. Input: **grid_area** (Shapely polygon) - Polygon which defines the considered grid area \n **crs** (str, default: 'epsg:4326') - Definition of the network \ coordinate reference system \n OPTIONAL: **save_data** (boolean, default True) - if true, the resulting data will stored in a \ local folder OUTPUT: **request_geodata** (pandapower net) - geodata for the grid_area from DAVE """ if crs != "epsg:4326": # adjusted grid_area polygon to work with the DAVE main function, projection to 4326 grid_area = GeoDataFrame( {"name": ["own area"], "geometry": [grid_area]}, crs=crs ) grid_area.to_crs(crs="epsg:4326", inplace=True) grid_area = grid_area.iloc[0].geometry # request geodata from DAVE _, net = create_grid( own_area=grid_area, geodata=["ALL"], convert_power=["pandapower"], save_data=save_data, ) # projection to original crs if crs != "epsg:4326": for typ in ["buildings", "roads", "railways", "landuse", "waterways"]: if typ in net.keys(): net[typ] = DataFrame( GeoDataFrame( net[typ], geometry=net[typ].geometry, crs="epsg:4326" ).to_crs(crs=crs) ) return net
[docs] def add_geodata(net, buffer=10, crs="epsg:4326", save_data=True): """ This function extends a pandapower/pandapipes net with geodata from DAVE INPUT: **net** (pandapower net) - A pandapower network \n **dave_user** (str) - User name of a DAVE Account \n **dave_password** (str) - Password of a DAVE Account \n OPTIONAL: **buffer** (float) - Buffer around the considered network elements **crs** (str, default: 'epsg:4326') - Definition of the network coordinate reference \ system \n **save_data** (boolean, default True) - if true, the resulting data will stored in a \ local folder OUTPUT: **net** (pandapower/pandapipes net) - pandapower net extended with geodata """ # get area polygon for the network area = get_grid_area(net, buffer=buffer, crs=crs) # request all available geodata for a given area from DAVE net_geodata = request_geo_data(area, crs, save_data) # extend net with geodata for typ in ["buildings", "roads", "railways", "landuse", "waterways"]: if typ in net_geodata.keys(): net[typ] = net_geodata[typ] return net