# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from pandas import Series
class Element:
This class defines a single object of a net
attributes: dictionary of properties of the object as string pairs key:value
key: the attribute's name, value: the attribute's value
type: type of the attribute: n(ode) or p(ipe) or v(alve) c(ompressor)
name: name of the object
example usage: Element(type="p", name="Pipe_1")
def __init__(self, element_type="None", name=""):
self.attributes = {}
self.type = element_type # n, p, v, c, r, None
self.name = name
# add an attribute to the element
def addAttribute(self, key, value):
self.attributes[key] = value
# get a property from the attributes dict, return None if prop not found
def get(self, prop):
if prop in self.attributes:
return self.attributes[prop]
return None
# iterator for the attributes, returns one attribute after the other, at the end None is returned
def props(self):
attrList = iter(self.attributes)
n = 0
while n < len(self.attributes):
yield next(attrList)
n += 1
class Elements:
This class defines a dictionary of objects of a net as Element objects of a single type
ignoreList = (
# "geometry",
) # attributes of dave to be ignored
def __init__(self, element_type=None, data=None):
self.eleList = None
self.elements = {} #
self.type = "None" # n, p, v, c, r, None
# self.name = ""
self.eleIndex = 0
self.n_ele = 0
if element_type is not None:
self.type = element_type
if data is not None:
self.insert(element_type, data)
# Get the Element with the specified name; returns None if Element not found
def get(self, name):
if name in self.elements:
return self.elements[name]
return None
# iterator for the Elements, returns one Element after the other; at the end None is returned
def nextEle(self):
name = next(self.eleList, None)
if name is not None:
self.eleIndex += 1
return self.elements[name]
# resets after full cycle
self.eleList = iter(self.elements)
return None
def insert(self, element_type, data):
This function fills the dictionary with data elements from Dave;
n_ele number of elements
type short form for type of the Elements: n(ode) or p(ipe) or v(alve) or c(ompressor)
**element_type** (src) -
**data** (dict) - all Information's about the grid elements (e.g. pandas.core.series.Series)
self.type = element_type
self.n_ele = len(data.index)
# create dave names in case there are none
type_names = {
"p": "pipe",
"v": "valve",
"n": "node",
"c": "compressor",
"r": "regulator",
if "dave_name" not in data.keys():
Series([f"{type_names[element_type]}_{x}" for x in data.index]),
for ele in range(self.n_ele):
name = data["dave_name"][ele]
newElem = Element(element_type, name)
for key in data.keys():
if key not in self.ignoreList:
newElem.addAttribute(key, data[key][ele])
self.elements[name] = newElem
# print ("newElem:", newElem)
self.eleList = iter(self.elements)