Source code for dave_core.converter.create_pandapipes

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
import warnings

from pandapipes import create_compressor
from pandapipes import create_empty_network
from pandapipes import create_ext_grids
from pandapipes import create_junctions
from pandapipes import create_pipes_from_parameters
from pandapipes import create_sinks
from pandapipes import create_sources
from pandapipes import create_valves
from pandas import DataFrame
from pandas import Series
from pandas import concat
from pandas import isna
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString

from import ppi_to_json
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings
from dave_core.toolbox import multiline_coords

[docs] def create_pandapipes( grid_data, save_data=True, output_folder=None, fluid=None, idx_ref="dave_name", ): """ This function creates a pandapipes network based an the DaVe dataset INPUT: **grid_data** (attrdict) - calculated grid data from dave \n OPTIONAL: **save_data** (boolean, default True) - if true, the resulting data will stored in a \ local folder **output_folder** (str, default=None) - patht to the location where the results will be saved \n **idx_ref** (str, default='dave_name') - defines parameter which should use as referenz \ for setting the indices **fluid** (str, default=None) - A fluid that can be added to the net from the start. A \ fluid is required for pipeflow calculations. Existing fluids in pandapipes are “hgas”, \ “lgas”, “hydrogen”, “methane”, “water”, “air” \n OUTPUT: **net** (attrdict) - pandapipes attrdict with grid data """ # set progress bar pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create pandapipes network") # create empty network net = create_empty_network(fluid=fluid) # add dave version net["dave_version"] = grid_data.dave_version # --- create junctions # collect junction informations and aggregate them all_junctions = concat( [ grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions, grid_data.mp_data.mp_junctions, grid_data.lp_data.lp_junctions, ] ) all_junctions.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if not all_junctions.empty: # create junction name if "dave_name" in all_junctions.keys(): all_junctions.rename(columns={"dave_name": "name"}, inplace=True) else: all_junctions.insert( 0, "name", Series([f"junction_{x}" for x in all_junctions.index]), ) # TODO: hier fehlt noch das pressure level # !!! set nominal pressure to the lowest maximal pressure of the pipelines (has to be changed for multiple pressure levles) all_junctions["pn_bar"] = ( grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes.max_pressure_bar.min() ) # all_junctions.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) # create junctions create_junctions( net, # TODO: failure because of index by finding from and to bus nr_junctions=len(all_junctions), pn_bar=all_junctions["pn_bar"], tfluid_k=( dave_settings["hp_pipes_tfluid_k"] if "tfluid_k" not in all_junctions.keys() or all(all_junctions.tfluid_k.isna()) else all_junctions.tfluid_k.apply( lambda x: dave_settings["hp_pipes_tfluid_k"] if isna(x) else x ) ), height_m=all_junctions["height_m"], name=all_junctions["name"], in_service=( True if "in_service" not in all_junctions.keys() or all(all_junctions.in_service.isna()) else all_junctions.in_service.apply( lambda x: True if isna(x) else x ) ), type=( "junction" if "type" not in all_junctions.keys() or all(all_junctions.type.isna()) else all_junctions.type.apply( lambda x: "junction" if isna(x) else x ) ), geodata=all_junctions.geometry.apply( lambda x: (x.coords[:][0][0], x.coords[:][0][1]) ).to_list(), ) # add additional information # net.junction.insert(len(net.junction.columns), "source_name", all_junctions['source_name']) net.junction["source_name"] = all_junctions["source_name"] net.junction["source_id"] = all_junctions["source_id"] net.junction["source"] = all_junctions["source"] net.junction["geometry"] = all_junctions["geometry"] if "res_simone_p_barg" in all_junctions.keys(): net.junction["res_simone_p_barg"] = all_junctions[ "res_simone_p_barg" ] if "res_simone_q_eff_mw" in all_junctions.keys(): net.junction["res_simone_q_eff_mw"] = all_junctions[ "res_simone_q_eff_mw" ] map_junctions_simone_id_to_pandapipes_id = dict( zip(net.junction.source_id.values, net.junction.index) ) # update progress pbar.update(25) # --- create pipes all_pipes = concat( [ grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes, grid_data.mp_data.mp_pipes, grid_data.lp_data.lp_pipes, ], ignore_index=True, ) if not all_pipes.empty: # change from/to junction names to ids if "from_junction" in all_pipes.keys(): all_pipes["from_junction"] = all_pipes.from_junction.apply( lambda x: net.junction[net.junction[idx_ref] == x].index[0] ) if "to_junction" in all_pipes.keys(): all_pipes["to_junction"] = all_pipes.to_junction.apply( lambda x: net.junction[net.junction[idx_ref] == x].index[0] ) # create pipeline names if "dave_name" in all_pipes.keys(): all_pipes.rename(columns={"dave_name": "name"}, inplace=True) else: all_pipes.insert( 0, "name", Series([f"pipe{x}" for x in all_pipes.index]), ) # check for circle pipes and drop them circle_pipe = all_pipes.loc[ all_pipes["from_junction"] == all_pipes["to_junction"] ] if not circle_pipe.empty: print( f"\nWarning: pipes {} have the same from and to junctions and " f"are being dropped automatically.\n" ) all_pipes.drop(index=circle_pipe.index, inplace=True) # check for zero length pipes and drop them zero_lenght = all_pipes.loc[all_pipes["length_km"] == 0] if not zero_lenght.empty: print( f"\nWarning: pipes {} have a length of 0.0 km and are being " f"dropped automatically.\n" ) all_pipes.drop(index=zero_lenght.index, inplace=True) # conver diameter from mm to m all_pipes["diameter_m"] = all_pipes.diameter_mm.apply( lambda x: x / 1000 ) all_pipes.drop(columns=["diameter_mm"]) # geodata all_pipes_coords = DataFrame( { "coords": all_pipes.geometry.apply( lambda x: [ list(coords) for coords in ( multiline_coords(x) if isinstance(x, MultiLineString) else x.coords[:] ) ] ) } ) else: all_pipes_coords = DataFrame([]) # create pipelines create_pipes_from_parameters( net, from_junctions=all_pipes["from_junction"], to_junctions=all_pipes["to_junction"], length_km=all_pipes["length_km"], diameter_m=all_pipes["diameter_m"], k_mm=( dave_settings["hp_pipes_k_mm"] if "roughness_mm" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.roughness_mm.isna()) else all_pipes.roughness_mm.apply( lambda x: dave_settings["hp_pipes_k_mm"] if isna(x) else x ) ), loss_coefficient=( float(0) if "loss_coefficient" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.loss_coefficient.isna()) else all_pipes.loss_coefficient.apply( lambda x: float(0) if isna(x) else x ) ), sections=( 1 if "sections" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.sections.isna()) else all_pipes.sections.apply(lambda x: 1 if isna(x) else x) ), alpha_w_per_m2k=( float(0) if "alpha_w_per_m2k" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.alpha_w_per_m2k.isna()) else all_pipes.alpha_w_per_m2k.apply( lambda x: float(0) if isna(x) else x ) ), text_k=( float(293) if "text_k" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.text_k.isna()) else all_pipes.text_k.apply(lambda x: float(293) if isna(x) else x) ), qext_w=( float(0) if "qext_w" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.qext_w.isna()) else all_pipes.qext_w.apply(lambda x: float(0) if isna(x) else x) ), name=all_pipes["name"], geodata=all_pipes_coords.coords, in_service=( True if "in_service" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(all_pipes.in_service.isna()) else all_pipes.in_service.apply(lambda x: True if isna(x) else x) ), type=( "pipe" if "type" not in all_pipes.keys() or all(net.pipe.type.isna()) else net.pipe.type.apply(lambda x: "pipe" if isna(x) else x) ), ) # add additional information for param in [ "source_name", "source_id", "source", "max_pressure_bar", "geometry", "res_simone_p_barg", "res_simone_v_m", ]: if param in all_pipes.keys(): net.pipe[param] = all_pipes[param] # update progress pbar.update(25) # --- create sink sinks = grid_data.components_gas.sinks # write sink data into pandapipes structure if not sinks.empty: sinks.rename(columns={idx_ref: "name"}, inplace=True) # change junction names to ids sinks["junction"] = sinks.junction.apply( lambda x: net.junction[net.junction[idx_ref] == x].index[0] ) # create sink names sinks.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if "dave_name" in sinks.keys(): sinks.rename(columns={"dave_name": "name"}, inplace=True) else: sinks.insert( 0, "name", Series([f"sink_{x}" for x in sinks.index]), ) # create sinks create_sinks( net, junctions=sinks["junction"], mdot_kg_per_s=( sinks["mdot_kg_per_s"] if "mdot_kg_per_s" in sinks.keys() else 0.1 ), # !!! dummy value has to change scaling=float(1), name=sinks["name"], in_service=True, type="sink", **sinks.drop(["junction", "mdot_kg_per_s", "name"], axis=1), ) # update progress pbar.update(10) # --- create source sources = grid_data.components_gas.sources # write sink data into pandapipes structure if not sources.empty: sources.rename(columns={idx_ref: "name"}, inplace=True) # change junction names to ids sources["junction"] = sources.junction.apply( lambda x: net.junction[net.junction[idx_ref] == x].index[0] ) # create source names sources.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) if "dave_name" in sources.keys(): sources.rename(columns={"dave_name": "name"}, inplace=True) else: sources.insert( 0, "name", Series([f"source_{x}" for x in sources.index]), ) # create sinks create_sources( net, junctions=sources["junction"], mdot_kg_per_s=( sources["mdot_kg_per_s"] if "mdot_kg_per_s" in sources.keys() else 0.1 ), # !!! dummy value has to change scaling=float(1), name=sources["name"], in_service=True, type="source", **sources.drop(["junction", "mdot_kg_per_s", "name"], axis=1), ) # update progress pbar.update(10) # --- create compressors compressors = grid_data.components_gas.compressors compressors.index = compressors.index.astype(int) compressors["from_junction_simone_id"] = compressors["from_junction"] compressors["to_junction_simone_id"] = compressors["to_junction"] compressors["from_junction"] = compressors["from_junction_simone_id"].map( map_junctions_simone_id_to_pandapipes_id ) compressors["to_junction"] = compressors["to_junction_simone_id"].map( map_junctions_simone_id_to_pandapipes_id ) if not compressors.empty: # write compressor data into pandapipes structure for _, compressor in compressors.iterrows(): _ = create_compressor( net, compressor["from_junction"], compressor["to_junction"], pressure_ratio=compressor.get("pressure_ratio", float(1)), in_service=compressor.get("in_service", True), **compressor.drop( [ "from_junction", "to_junction", "pressure_ratio", "in_service", ], errors="ignore", ), # ignore if pressure_ratio is not found ) assert net.compressor.from_junction.isin( net.junction.index ).all(), "some compressors are connected to non-existing junctions!" assert net.compressor.to_junction.isin( net.junction.index ).all(), "some compressors are connected to non-existing junctions!" # update progress pbar.update(10) # --- create valves valves = grid_data.components_gas.valves valves.index = valves.index.astype(int) valves["from_junction_simone_id"] = valves["from_junction"] valves["to_junction_simone_id"] = valves["to_junction"] valves["from_junction"] = valves["from_junction_simone_id"].map( map_junctions_simone_id_to_pandapipes_id ) valves["to_junction"] = valves["to_junction_simone_id"].map( map_junctions_simone_id_to_pandapipes_id ) # valves["opened"] = valves["opened"].astype(bool) # write valve data into pandapipes structure if not valves.empty: valves.rename(columns={idx_ref: "name"}, inplace=True) # change from/to junction names to ids # if "from_junction" in valves.keys(): # # if not "from_junction" in valves.keys(): # valves["from_junction"] = valves.from_junction.apply( # lambda x: net.junction[net.junction["name"] == x].index[0] # ) # if "to_junction" in valves.keys(): # # if not "to_junction" in valves.keys(): # valves["to_junction"] = valves.to_junction.apply( # lambda x: net.junction[net.junction["name"] == x].index[0] # ) valves["diameter_m"] = valves.diameter_mm.apply(lambda x: x / 1000) valves.drop(columns=["diameter_mm"], inplace=True) _ = create_valves( net, from_junctions=valves["from_junction"], to_junctions=valves["to_junction"], diameter_m=valves["diameter_m"], opened=valves["opened"] if "opened" in valves.keys() else True, **valves.drop( ["from_junction", "to_junction", "diameter_m", "opened"], axis=1, errors="ignore" ), ) # net.valve = valves # check necessary parameters and add pandapipes standard if needed # net.valve["loss_coefficient"] = float(0) # net.valve["type"] = "valve" assert net.valve.from_junction.isin( net.junction.index ).all(), "some valves are connected to non-existing junctions!" assert net.valve.to_junction.isin( net.junction.index ).all(), "some valves are connected to non-existing junctions!" # update progress pbar.update(10) # --- create external grid if "Pset_barg" in grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.columns: ext_grids = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions[ grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions["Pset_barg"].notna() ] else: ext_grids = Series() if ext_grids.empty: warnings.warn("No Pset_barg found - a dummy ext. " "grid with p_set=50 barg will be attached to the first junction.") # create external grid on the first grid junction ext_grids = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.head(1) ext_grids["Pset_barg"] = 50 # dummy value need to be changed create_ext_grids( net, junctions=ext_grids.index, t_k=283.15, p_bar=ext_grids["Pset_barg"], ) # update progress pbar.update(10) # close progress bar pbar.close() # run pandapower model processing net = gas_processing(net) # save grid model in the dave output folder if save_data and output_folder: file_path = output_folder + "\\dave_pandapipes.json" ppi_to_json(net, file_path) return net
def gas_processing(net_gas): """ This function run a diagnosis of the pandapipes network and clean up occurring failures. Furthermore the grid will be adapt so all boundarys be respected. INPUT: **net** (attrdict) - pandapipes attrdict OUTPUT: **net** (attrdict) - A cleaned up and if necessary optimized pandapipes attrdict """ return net_gas # hier wird das Gasnetzmodell nach dem es in pandapipes erstellt wurde, aufbereitet damit ein # lastfluss konvergiert und sonstige Fehler bereinigen