# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from pathlib import Path
from dave_core.converter.converter import Converter
from dave_core.converter.converter import Strategy
from dave_core.converter.elements import Elements
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
# dictionaries for Mynts text properties and numeric properties; # !!! todo complete list
# used to convert dave names to the corresponding Mynts properties
MyntsTextProps = {
"dave_name": "name",
"lat": "Y",
"long": "X",
"from_junction": "node1",
"to_junction": "node2",
"country_code": "Des",
"scigrid_name": "Bez",
"junction": "node",
MyntsNumProps = {
"diameter_mm": "D",
"length_km": "L",
"height_m": "H",
"roughness": "k",
"max_pressure_bar": "POMAX",
MyntsReqNodeProps = [
MyntsReqPipeProps = [
MyntsReqValveProps = [
MyntsReqCompressorProps = [
MyntsReqDriveProps = [
MyntsReqProps = {
"n": MyntsReqNodeProps,
"p": MyntsReqPipeProps,
"v": MyntsReqValveProps,
"c": MyntsReqCompressorProps,
"d": MyntsReqDriveProps,
# convert prop value to Mynts internal unit # !!! todo complete list
def convertPropValue2Mynts(prop, value) -> str:
# if prop=="roughness":
# print("roughness ="+str(value))
if value == "":
return "-1"
fvalue = float(value)
if prop == "diameter_mm":
fvalue = fvalue / 1.0e3
elif prop == "length_km":
fvalue = fvalue * 1.0e3
# elif prop.endswith("bar"): ok
return str(fvalue)
# get Mynts name of DaVe property; returns original name if not in Mynts name dict
def myntsProp(prop) -> str:
if prop in MyntsTextProps:
return MyntsTextProps[prop]
elif prop in MyntsNumProps:
return MyntsNumProps[prop]
return prop
def daveProp(prop) -> str:
# reversed MyntsProp dict lists
daveProps = {y: x for x, y in MyntsTextProps.items()}
daveNumProps = {y: x for x, y in MyntsNumProps.items()}
if prop in daveProps:
return daveProps[prop]
if prop in daveNumProps:
return daveNumProps[prop]
return prop
class MyntsWriter: # Output file strategy class for Mynts
elements = Elements()
# MyntsProps = {}
def __init__(self, file=None):
self.file = file
def setFile(self, file):
self.file = file
# get the elements from Elements dict and write to geom file
def writeGeom(self, elements):
self.elements = elements
element = elements.nextEle()
while element is not None:
element = elements.nextEle()
# get the elements from Elements dict and write to scen file
def writeScen(self, elements):
self.elements = elements
element = elements.nextEle()
while element is not None:
element = elements.nextEle()
def writeGeomHeader(self):
line = '{"#MYNTS_GEOM":"Base topology file ' + self.file.name + '"\n'
def writeScenHeader(self):
line = '{"#MYNTS_SCEN":"Scenario ' + self.file.name + '"\n'
def writeFooter(self):
# write an element in geom format
def writeGeomElement(self, element):
line = ',"' + element.name + '":{"obj_type":"' + element.type + '"'
for prop in MyntsReqProps[element.type]:
dave_prop = daveProp(prop)
newValue = str(element.get(dave_prop))
# write required text Props even without a value
if element.get(dave_prop) is None:
newValue = ""
# convert numeric value and ignore if it has no value
if dave_prop in MyntsNumProps:
if convertPropValue2Mynts(dave_prop, newValue) == "-1":
newValue = convertPropValue2Mynts(dave_prop, newValue)
if element.name.startswith("sink") and dave_prop == "lat":
newValue = str(element.get(dave_prop) - 0.01)
if element.name.startswith("source") and dave_prop == "lat":
newValue = str(element.get(dave_prop) + 0.01)
line = line + ', "' + prop + '":"' + newValue + '"'
line = line + "}\n"
if element.name.startswith("sink") or element.name.startswith(
line = ',"s_' + element.name + '":{"obj_type":"s"'
line = line + ', "node1":"' + element.get("junction") + '"'
line = line + ', "node2":"' + element.name + '"'
line = line + "}\n"
# write an element in scen format
def writeScenElement(self, element):
line = ',"' + element.name + '":{'
first_element = True
for prop in element.props():
newName = myntsProp(prop)
newValue = str(element.get(prop))
if (
in (prop.casefold() for prop in MyntsReqProps[element.type])
or element.get(prop) is None
if prop in MyntsNumProps:
newValue = convertPropValue2Mynts(prop, newValue)
if first_element:
line = line + '"' + newName + '":"' + newValue + '"'
first_element = False
line = line + ', "' + newName + '":"' + newValue + '"'
line = line + "}\n"
class DaVe2Mynts(Strategy):
class to convert dave data to Mynts output files, one for each format
def __init__(self, basefilepath):
self.files = {}
self.writer = None
self.basefilepath = basefilepath
def __del__(self):
for file in self.files.keys():
# opens a file for each output format
def openFiles(self, outfile):
self.files["geom"] = Path(outfile + ".geom.jsn").open("w")
self.files["scen"] = Path(outfile + ".scen.jsn").open("w")
self.writer = MyntsWriter()
# writes elements to geom and scen
def execute(self, element_types) -> str:
# write elements in geom file
for elements in element_types:
# write elements in scen file
for elements in element_types:
return "DaVe2Mynts"
def create_mynts(grid_data, output_folder, idx_ref="dave_name"):
This function creates a network in MYNTS format based of an DAVE dataset
**grid_data** (attrdict) - calculated grid data from DAVE
**output_folder** (str) - patht to the location where the results will be saved
**idx_ref** (str, default='dave_name') - defines parameter which should use as referenz \
for setting the indices
# set progress bar
pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create mynts network")
# seperate geocoordinates from geometry parameter into lat and long
grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions["long"] = (
grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.geometry.apply(lambda x: x.x)
grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions["lat"] = (
grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.geometry.apply(lambda x: x.y)
# init data
myntsconv = Converter(
grid_data, basefilepath=output_folder
) # default file names
# update progress
# extract the data from DaVe
nodes = Elements("n", myntsconv.nodedata)
sinks = Elements("n", myntsconv.sinkdata)
sources = Elements("n", myntsconv.sourcedata)
pipes = Elements("p", myntsconv.pipedata) # stores all pipe elements
valves = Elements("v", myntsconv.valvedata)
compressors = Elements("c", myntsconv.compressordata)
###drives = Elements("d", myntsconv.compressordata)
# update progress
# init writing to Mynts geom.jsn file
output_folder = myntsconv.getBasicPath() # basic output file path
myntsconv.setStrategy(DaVe2Mynts(output_folder)) # define Strategy
# fixed order to write the elements
###all_elements = [nodes, sinks, sources, pipes, valves, compressors, drives]
all_elements = [nodes, sinks, sources, pipes, valves, compressors]
# print(text, ": ", ele_type.type, " written to Mynts Geom")
# update progress