Source code for dave_core.converter.create_gaslib

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from copy import copy

from lxml import etree

from dave_core.converter.read_gaslib import read_gaslib_cs
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

[docs] def create_gaslib(grid_data, output_folder, save_data=True): """ This function creates a network in gaslib format based of an DAVE dataset INPUT: **grid_data** (attrdict) - calculated grid data from DAVE **output_folder** (str) - patht to the location where the results will be saved OPTIONAL: **save_data** (boolean, default True) - if true, the resulting data will stored in a \ local folder """ # set progress bar pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create gaslib model") # define network nsm = { None: "", "framework": "", "xsi": "", } network = etree.Element("network", nsmap=nsm) network.attrib[ "{}schemaLocation" ] = " Gas.xsd" information = etree.Element("{}information") nodes = etree.Element("{}nodes") connections = etree.Element("{}connections") # import gaslib cs file for compressor station reference gaslib_cs_data, gaslib_data_cs_xml = read_gaslib_cs() # define cs file nsm = { None: "", "framework": "", "gas": "", "xsi": "", } compressorStations = etree.Element("compressorStations", nsmap=nsm) compressorStations.attrib[ "{}schemaLocation" ] = "" # --- create informations information.attrib["title"] = "Grid model generated by DaVe" # check diffrent area options area_type = grid_data.target_input.typ.iloc[0] if area_type in ["postalcode", "town name"]: area_data =[0] elif area_type == "federal state": area_data = grid_data.target_input.federal_states.iloc[0] elif area_type == "nuts region": area_data = grid_data.target_input.nuts_regions.iloc[0] elif area_type == "own area": area_data = "A user given shapefile defines the grid area" information.attrib["area"] = f"{area_type}: {area_data}" information.attrib["grid_levels"] = str( grid_data.target_input.gas_levels.iloc[0] ) information.attrib["dave_version"] = dave_settings["dave_version"] # read data from dave dictionary nodes_dave = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions # set junctions external to the considered area to import and export to 1 nodes_dave["is_import"] = nodes_dave.apply( lambda x: True if x.external is True else x.is_import, axis=1 ) nodes_dave["is_export"] = nodes_dave.apply( lambda x: True if x.external is True else x.is_export, axis=1 ) # nodes_dave_ext = nodes_dave[nodes_dave.external == True].dave_name.to_list() pipes_dave = grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes compressors_dave = grid_data.components_gas.compressors sources_dave = grid_data.components_gas.sources sinks_dave = grid_data.components_gas.sinks # --- create nodes # set dict for mapping ids mapping = {} # Cases of export, import # Case 0,0 => in node (connection) # Case 0,1 => source # Case 1,0 => sink # Case 1,1 => source and sink for _, node in nodes_dave.iterrows(): # derivate max pressure from connected lines node_max_pressure = pipes_dave[ (pipes_dave.from_junction == node.dave_name) | (pipes_dave.to_junction == node.dave_name) ].max_pressure_bar.min() if node.is_export == node.is_import: innode = etree.Element("innode", {"alias": "", "y": "", "x": ""}) innode.attrib["geoWGS84Long"] = str(node.long) innode.attrib["geoWGS84Lat"] = str( innode_id = f"innode_{node.dave_name}" innode.attrib["id"] = innode_id mapping[node.dave_name] = innode_id etree.SubElement( innode, "height", {"unit": "m", "value": str(node.height_m)} ) etree.SubElement( innode, "presssureMin", {"unit": "bar", "value": "1.0"} ) # !!! Annahme etree.SubElement( innode, "presssureMax", {"unit": "bar", "value": str(node_max_pressure)}, ) nodes.append(innode) if (not node.is_export and node.is_import) or ( node.is_export and node.is_import ): source = etree.Element("source", {"alias": "", "y": "", "x": ""}) source.attrib["geoWGS84Long"] = str(node.long) source.attrib["geoWGS84Lat"] = str( source_id = f"source_{node.dave_name}" source.attrib["id"] = source_id mapping[node.dave_name] = source_id etree.SubElement( source, "height", {"unit": "m", "value": str(node.height_m)} ) etree.SubElement( source, "presssureMin", {"unit": "bar", "value": "1.0"} ) # !!! Annahme etree.SubElement( source, "presssureMax", {"unit": "bar", "value": str(node_max_pressure)}, ) etree.SubElement( source, "flowMin", {"unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": "0"}, ) # !!! annahme # get flow max value from soure data or calculate from pipes for external nodes if not node.is_export and node.is_import: source_dave = sources_dave[ sources_dave.junction == node.dave_name ].iloc[0] flow_max_source = str( source_dave["max_supply_M_m3_per_d"] * 1000 / 24 ) elif node.is_export and node.is_import: source_pipes = pipes_dave[ (pipes_dave.from_junction == node.dave_name) | (pipes_dave.to_junction == node.dave_name) ] flow_max_source = str( source_pipes["max_cap_M_m3_per_d"].sum() * 1000 / 24 ) etree.SubElement( source, "flowMax", {"unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": flow_max_source}, ) etree.SubElement( source, "gasTemperature", {"unit": "Celsius", "value": "15"} ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "calorificValue", {"unit": "MJ_per_m_cube", "value": "41.342270292"}, ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "normDensity", {"unit": "kg_per_m_cube", "value": "0.82"}, ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "coefficient-A-heatCapacity", {"value": "31.61010551"} ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "coefficient-B-heatCapacity", {"value": "-0.004284754861"}, ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "coefficient-C-heatCapacity", {"value": "8.019089e-05"} ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "molarMass", {"unit": "kg_per_kmol", "value": "18.0488790169"}, ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "pseudocticticalPressure", {"unit": "bar", "value": "46.7020607"}, ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( source, "pseudocticticalTemperature", {"unit": "K", "value": "202.4395142"}, ) # !!! annahme nodes.append(source) if (node.is_export and not node.is_import) or ( node.is_export and node.is_import ): sink = etree.Element("sink", {"alias": "", "y": "", "x": ""}) sink.attrib["geoWGS84Long"] = str(node.long) sink.attrib["geoWGS84Lat"] = str( sink_id = f"sink_{node.dave_name}" sink.attrib["id"] = sink_id mapping[node.dave_name] = sink_id etree.SubElement( sink, "height", {"unit": "m", "value": str(node.height_m)} ) etree.SubElement( sink, "presssureMin", {"unit": "bar", "value": "1.0"} ) # !!! Todos Robert schaut in Gaslib nach etree.SubElement( sink, "presssureMax", {"unit": "bar", "value": str(node_max_pressure)}, ) etree.SubElement( sink, "flowMin", {"unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": "0"} ) # !!! annahme # get flow max value from sink data or calculate from pipes for external nodes if node.is_export and not node.is_import: sink_dave = sinks_dave[ sinks_dave.junction == node.dave_name ].iloc[0] # overwrite flowMax assumption flow_max_sink = str( sink_dave.max_demand_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24 ) elif node.is_export is True and node.is_import is True: sinks_pipes = pipes_dave[ (pipes_dave.from_junction == node.dave_name) | (pipes_dave.to_junction == node.dave_name) ] flow_max_sink = str( sinks_pipes["max_cap_M_m3_per_d"].sum() * 1000 / 24 ) etree.SubElement( sink, "flowMax", {"unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": flow_max_sink}, ) # assumption but will overwritten at the sinks height = etree.Element("height") height.attrib["unit"] = "m" height.attrib["value"] = str(node.height_m) sink.append(height) nodes.append(sink) if node.is_export and node.is_import: # overwrite mapping entry mapping[node.dave_name] = [innode_id, source_id, sink_id] # get neighboring pipline to use their charakteristics pipe_neighbor = pipes_dave[ (pipes_dave.from_junction == node.dave_name) | (pipes_dave.to_junction == node.dave_name) ].iloc[0] # create seperated lines for the sink and source short_pipe_sink = etree.Element("shortPipe") short_pipe_sink.attrib["alias"] = "" short_pipe_sink.attrib["id"] = f"short_pipe_{sink_id}_{innode_id}" short_pipe_sink.attrib["from"] = sink_id short_pipe_sink.attrib["to"] = innode_id etree.SubElement( short_pipe_sink, "flowMin", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str( -pipe_neighbor.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24 ), }, ) etree.SubElement( short_pipe_sink, "flowMax", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str(pipe_neighbor.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24), }, ) connections.append(short_pipe_sink) short_pipe_source = etree.Element("shortPipe") short_pipe_source.attrib["alias"] = "" short_pipe_source.attrib["id"] = ( f"short_pipe_{source_id}_{innode_id}" ) short_pipe_source.attrib["from"] = source_id short_pipe_source.attrib["to"] = innode_id etree.SubElement( short_pipe_source, "flowMin", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str( -pipe_neighbor.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24 ), }, ) etree.SubElement( short_pipe_source, "flowMax", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str(pipe_neighbor.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24), }, ) connections.append(short_pipe_source) # --- create connections # create pipes for _, pipe_dave in pipes_dave.iterrows(): pipe = etree.Element("pipe") pipe.attrib["from"] = ( mapping[pipe_dave.from_junction] if isinstance(mapping[pipe_dave.from_junction], str) else mapping[pipe_dave.from_junction][0] ) pipe.attrib["to"] = ( mapping[pipe_dave.to_junction] if isinstance(mapping[pipe_dave.to_junction], str) else mapping[pipe_dave.to_junction][0] ) pipe.attrib["id"] = ( f"pipe_{mapping[pipe_dave.from_junction]}_{mapping[pipe_dave.to_junction]}" ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "length", {"unit": "km", "value": str(pipe_dave.length_km)} ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "diameter", {"unit": "mm", "value": str(pipe_dave.diameter_mm)}, ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "pressureMax", {"unit": "bar", "value": str(pipe_dave.max_pressure_bar)}, ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "flowMin", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str(-pipe_dave.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24), }, ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "flowMax", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str(pipe_dave.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24), }, ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "roughness", {"unit": "mm", "value": str(pipe_dave.roughness)}, ) etree.SubElement( pipe, "heatTransferCoefficient", {"unit": "W_per_m_square_per_K", "value": "2"}, ) # !!! annahme connections.append(pipe) # create compressor station for _, compressor in compressors_dave.iterrows(): nodeid = ( mapping[compressor.junction] if isinstance(mapping[compressor.junction], str) else mapping[compressor.junction][0] ) for node in nodes: if node.get("id") == nodeid: break nodecopy = node nodecopy.attrib["id"] = nodeid + "_copy" nodes.append(nodecopy) for con in connections: if con.tag == "pipe": if con.get("from") == nodeid: con.attrib["from"] = nodeid + "_copy" comp = etree.Element("compressorStation") comp.attrib["from"] = nodeid comp.attrib["to"] = nodeid + "_copy" comp.attrib["alias"] = "" comp.attrib["gasCoolerExisting"] = "1" comp.attrib["fuelGasVertex"] = nodeid comp.attrib["internalBypassRequired"] = "0" comp.attrib["id"] = compressor.dave_name etree.SubElement( comp, "flowMin", {"unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": "0"} ) etree.SubElement( comp, "flowMax", { "unit": "1000m_cube_per_hour", "value": str(compressor.max_cap_M_m3_per_d * 1000 / 24), }, ) etree.SubElement( comp, "pressureLossIn", {"unit": "bar", "value": "0.8"} ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( comp, "pressureLossOut", {"unit": "bar", "value": "0.2"} ) # !!! annahme etree.SubElement( comp, "pressureInMin", {"unit": "bar", "value": "21.0"} ) # !!! Todo. aus gaslib nehmen etree.SubElement( comp, "pressureOutMax", {"unit": "bar", "value": str(compressor.max_pressure_bar)}, ) connections.append(comp) # !!! Todo: compressor Station # !!! Richtiger Wert Anzahl der Turbinen "num_turb" und MW # !!! Mapping liste Anzahl turbinen und Leistung zu CS mapped_cs_id = "compressorStation_5" # !!! dummy value for station in gaslib_data_cs_xml: print(station.attrib["id"]) if station.attrib["id"] == mapped_cs_id: # copy compressorstation data from gaslib cs file and change id temp_station = copy(station) temp_station.attrib["id"] = compressor.dave_name # wirte compressorstation in DAVE cs file compressorStations.append(temp_station) # --- save gaslib model in the dave output folder if save_data: # write net file file_path = output_folder + "\\" network.append(information) network.append(nodes) network.append(connections) tree = etree.ElementTree() tree._setroot(network) tree.write( file_path, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, ) # write cs file file_path = output_folder + "\\dave_gaslib.cs" tree = etree.ElementTree() tree._setroot(compressorStations) tree.write( file_path, pretty_print=True, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True, ) # update progress pbar.update(100) # !!! Muss noch verteilt werden
# return net