Source code for dave_core.converter.converter

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from abc import ABC
from abc import abstractmethod

from import from_json

# Strategy interface; used to define different output strategies dave2mynts, dave2...
[docs] class Strategy(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def execute(self, element_types) -> str: pass
[docs] class Converter: """ Converter class defines: strategy the strategy interface basefilepath # basic file path for output files infilename # input json file with DaVe structure data Example Usage: Converter(infilename="myDaveFile.json", basefilepath="/tmp") """ strategy: Strategy basefilepath = ""
[docs] def setStrategy(self, strategy: Strategy = None) -> None: if strategy is not None: self.strategy = strategy else: self.strategy = Default()
[docs] def executeStrategy(self, element_types) -> str: text = self.strategy.execute(element_types) return text
[docs] def __init__( self, grid_data, infilename: str = "", basefilepath: str = "" ): if infilename: # is not empty self.infilename = ( infilename.strip() ) # !!! Case for read in dave_dataset.json file without generating self.grid_data = from_json(self.infilename) else: self.grid_data = grid_data if basefilepath: self.basefilepath = basefilepath.strip() + "/dave_mynts" self.initData()
[docs] def getBasicPath(self) -> str: return self.basefilepath
[docs] def setBasicPath(self, basefilepath): self.basefilepath = basefilepath
# get data from Dave as nodes, pipes and valves # !!! todo: other components if there are any
[docs] def initData(self): self.nodedata = self.grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions # nodes self.pipedata = self.grid_data.hp_data.hp_pipes # pipes self.valvedata = self.grid_data.components_gas.valves self.compressordata = self.grid_data.components_gas.compressors # self.sinkdata = self.grid_data.components_gas.sinks # self.sourcedata = self.grid_data.components_gas.sources # self.nvalves = len(self.valvedata.index) self.npipes = len(self.pipedata.index) self.nnodes = len(self.nodedata.index) self.ncompressors = len(self.compressordata.index) self.nsinks = len(self.sinkdata.index) self.nsources = len(self.sourcedata.index) # print("Read ", self.nnodes, " nodes", self.npipes, " pipes", self.nvalves, "valves") # self.nodeElements = iter(self.nodedata) print("\n") print(str(self.nnodes) + " nodes extracted from DaVe") print(str(self.nsinks) + " sinks extracted from DaVe") print(str(self.nsources) + " sources extracted from DaVe") print(str(self.npipes) + " pipes extracted from DaVe") print(str(self.nvalves) + " valves extracted from DaVe") print(str(self.ncompressors) + " compressors extracted from DaVe")
[docs] def getAllData(self): all_data = self.nodedata all_data.append(self.pipedata) all_data.append(self.valvedata) all_data.append(self.compressordata) all_data.append(self.sinkdata) all_data.append(self.sourcedata) return all_data
[docs] class Default(Strategy):
[docs] def execute(self, element_types=None) -> str: return "Default"