# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
from math import acos
from math import sin
from geopandas import GeoDataFrame
from numpy import array
from numpy import random
from pandas import concat
from shapely.geometry import LineString
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from shapely.ops import polygonize
from shapely.ops import unary_union
from dave_core.datapool.osm_request import query_osm
from dave_core.datapool.read_data import read_federal_states
from dave_core.datapool.read_data import read_household_consumption
from dave_core.datapool.read_data import read_postal
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings
from dave_core.toolbox import intersection_with_area
from dave_core.toolbox import voronoi
def get_household_power(consumption_data, household_size):
This function calculates the active and reactive power consumption for a given houshold size
based on the consumption data for a year
**consumption_data** (Dict) - consumption data for germany from dave internal datapool
**household_size** (int) - size of the houshold between 1 and 5 person
# set power factor
household_consumption = consumption_data["household_consumptions"][
consumption_data["household_consumptions"]["Personen pro Haushalt"] == household_size
p_mw = (household_consumption.iloc[0]["Durchschnitt [kwh/a]"] / 1000) / dave_settings[
q_mvar = (
* sin(acos(dave_settings["cos_phi_residential"]))
/ dave_settings["cos_phi_residential"]
return p_mw, q_mvar
def create_loads(grid_data):
This function creates loads by osm landuse polygons in the target area an assigne them to a
suitable node on the considered voltage level by voronoi analysis
# set progress bar
pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create electrical loads")
# define avarage load values
residential_load = dave_settings["residential_load"]
industrial_load = dave_settings["industrial_load"]
commercial_load = dave_settings["commercial_load"]
# set power factor for loads
cos_phi_residential = dave_settings["cos_phi_residential"]
cos_phi_industrial = dave_settings["cos_phi_industrial"]
cos_phi_commercial = dave_settings["cos_phi_commercial"]
# define power_levels
power_levels = grid_data.target_input.power_levels[0]
# create loads on grid level 7 (LV)
if "lv" in power_levels and not grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes.empty:
# get lv building nodes
building_nodes = grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes[
grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes.node_type == "building_connection"
# --- create lv loads for residential
federal_states, meta_data = read_federal_states()
# add meta data
if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys():
grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data
federal_states.rename(columns={"name": "federal state"}, inplace=True)
# intersect residential buildings with federal state areas to get the suitable federal state
buildings_feds = intersection_with_area(
columns=federal_states.keys().drop("federal state").drop("geometry"),
# read consumption data
consumption_data, meta_data = read_household_consumption()
# update progress
# add meta data
if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys():
grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data
# get population for the diffrent areas
if grid_data.target_input.iloc[0].typ in [
"town name",
"federal state",
population_area = grid_data.area
# --- Case for own shape as input data
# calculate proportions of postal area for grid area
postals, meta_data = read_postal()
# add meta data
if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys():
grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data
# filter postal code areas which are within the grid area
postal_own_intersection = intersection_with_area(
postals, grid_data.area, remove_columns=False
columns={"population": "population_origin"}, inplace=True
# filter landuses which are within postal code areas
postal_own_landuse = intersection_with_area(
for i, postal in postal_own_intersection.iterrows():
# --- calculate full plz residential area
border = (
postals[postals.postalcode == postal.postalcode].iloc[0].geometry.convex_hull
# Obtain data from OSM
plz_residential, meta_data = query_osm(
# add meta data
if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys():
grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data
# filter non Linestring objects
drop_objects = [
for j, obj in plz_residential.iterrows()
if not isinstance(obj.geometry, LineString)
plz_residential.drop(drop_objects, inplace=True)
plz_residential = unary_union(
) # !!! replace unary union function
# calculate plz residential area for grid area
plz_own_landuse = postal_own_landuse[
postal_own_landuse.postalcode == postal.postalcode
plz_own_residential = plz_own_landuse[plz_own_landuse.landuse == "residential"]
plz_own_residential = plz_own_residential.geometry.unary_union
# calculate population for proportion of postal area
pop_own = (
plz_own_residential.area / plz_residential.area
) * postal.population_origin
postal_own_intersection.at[i, "population"] = round(pop_own)
population_area = postal_own_intersection
# update progress
for _, area in population_area.iterrows():
if area.population != 0:
# filter buildings for considered area
buildings_area = buildings_feds[buildings_feds.geometry.within(area.geometry)]
buildings_idx_first = buildings_area.index.to_list() # this will be reduced later
federal_state = buildings_area.iloc[0]["federal state"]
household_sizes = consumption_data["household_sizes"]
sizes_feds = household_sizes[household_sizes.Bundesland == federal_state].iloc[0]
# household weights for considered federal state
w_1p = sizes_feds["Anteil 1 Person [%]"] / 100
w_2p = sizes_feds["Anteil 2 Personen [%]"] / 100
w_3p = sizes_feds["Anteil 3 Personen [%]"] / 100
w_4p = sizes_feds["Anteil 4 Personen [%]"] / 100
w_5p = sizes_feds["Anteil 5 Personen und mehr [%]"] / 100
# distribute the whole population over the considered area
pop_distribute = area.population
# construct random generator
rng = random.default_rng()
while pop_distribute != 0:
if pop_distribute > 5:
# select houshold size, weighted randomly
household_size = rng.choice(
[1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
p=[w_1p, w_2p, w_3p, w_4p, w_5p],
# selcet the rest of population
household_size = pop_distribute
# get power values for household
p_mw, q_mvar = get_household_power(consumption_data, household_size)
# reduce population to distribute
pop_distribute -= household_size
# --- select building in grid area
# first every building needs a load
if len(buildings_idx_first) != 0:
building_idx = buildings_idx_first[0]
# distribution for the rest loads makes no matter so selected randomly
building_idx = rng.choice(buildings_area.index.to_list(), 1)[0]
# search for suitable grid node
building_boundary = buildings_area.loc[building_idx].geometry
if isinstance(building_boundary, LineString):
building_geom = Polygon(building_boundary)
elif isinstance(building_boundary, MultiLineString):
multiline_coords = []
for line in building_boundary.geoms:
building_geom = Polygon(multiline_coords)
building_node = building_nodes[building_nodes.geometry.within(building_geom)]
if not building_node.empty:
lv_node = building_node.iloc[0]
# check the case that the building centroid is outside building boundary
building_centroid = building_geom.centroid
centroid_distance = building_nodes.geometry.apply(
lambda x, building_centroid=building_centroid: building_centroid.distance(
if centroid_distance.min() < 1e-04:
lv_node = building_nodes.loc[centroid_distance.idxmin()]
# create residential load
load_df = GeoDataFrame(
"bus": lv_node.dave_name,
"p_mw": p_mw,
"q_mvar": q_mvar,
"landuse": "residential",
"voltage_level": [7],
"geometry": lv_node.geometry,
grid_data.components_power.loads = concat(
[grid_data.components_power.loads, load_df],
# update progress
pbar.update(40 / len(population_area))
# create lv loads for industrial
industrial_polygons = grid_data.landuse[grid_data.landuse.landuse == "industrial"]
industrial_load_full = industrial_polygons.area_km2.sum() * industrial_load # in MW
industrial_buildings = grid_data.buildings.commercial[
grid_data.buildings.commercial.building == "industrial"
industrial_polygons_sum = unary_union(
) # !!! replace unary union function
industrial_area_full = industrial_polygons_sum.area
for _, industrial_poly in industrial_buildings.iterrows():
building_poly = next(iter(polygonize(industrial_poly.geometry)))
# check for builing bus for load connection
building_point = grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes[
if not building_point.empty:
if p_mw != 0:
load_df = GeoDataFrame(
"bus": building_point.iloc[0].dave_name,
"p_mw": industrial_load_full
* (building_poly.area / industrial_area_full),
"q_mvar": p_mw * sin(acos(cos_phi_industrial)) / cos_phi_industrial,
"landuse": "industrial",
"voltage_level": [7],
"geometry": building_point.iloc[0].geometry,
grid_data.components_power.loads = concat(
[grid_data.components_power.loads, load_df],
# update progress
pbar.update(20 / len(industrial_buildings))
# create lv loads for commercial
commercial_polygons = grid_data.landuse[grid_data.landuse.landuse == "commercial"]
commercial_load_full = commercial_polygons.area_km2.sum() * commercial_load # in MW
commercial_buildings = grid_data.buildings.commercial[
grid_data.buildings.commercial.building != "industrial"
commercial_polygons_sum = unary_union(
commercial_area_full = commercial_polygons_sum.area
for _, commercial_poly in commercial_buildings.iterrows():
building_poly = next(iter(polygonize(commercial_poly.geometry)))
# check for builing bus for load connection
building_point = grid_data.lv_data.lv_nodes[
if not building_point.empty:
if p_mw != 0:
load_df = GeoDataFrame(
"bus": building_point.iloc[0].dave_name,
"p_mw": commercial_load_full
* (building_poly.area / commercial_area_full),
"q_mvar": p_mw * sin(acos(cos_phi_commercial)) / cos_phi_commercial,
"landuse": "commercial",
"voltage_level": [7],
"geometry": building_point.iloc[0].geometry,
grid_data.components_power.loads = concat(
[grid_data.components_power.loads, load_df],
# update progress
pbar.update(19.8 / len(commercial_buildings))
# create loads for non grid level 7
elif any(x in power_levels for x in ["ehv", "hv", "mv"]) and not (
and grid_data.components_power.transformers.hv_mv.empty
and grid_data.components_power.transformers.mv_lv.empty
# create loads on grid level 6 (MV/LV)
if "mv" in power_levels:
# In this case the loads are assigned to the nearest mv/lv-transformer
voronoi_polygons = voronoi(
grid_data.components_power.transformers.mv_lv[["dave_name", "geometry"]]
trafos = grid_data.components_power.transformers.mv_lv
voltage_level = 6
# create loads on grid level 4 (HV/MV)
elif "hv" in power_levels:
# In this case the loads are assigned to the nearest hv/mv-transformer
voronoi_polygons = voronoi(
grid_data.components_power.transformers.hv_mv[["dave_name", "geometry"]]
trafos = grid_data.components_power.transformers.hv_mv
voltage_level = 4
# create loads on grid level 2 (EHV/HV)
elif "ehv" in power_levels:
# In this case the loads are assigned to the nearest ehv/hv-transformer
voronoi_polygons = voronoi(
grid_data.components_power.transformers.ehv_hv[["dave_name", "geometry"]]
trafos = grid_data.components_power.transformers.ehv_hv
voltage_level = 2
# update progress
# --- create loads for the lowest considered voltage level
# filter landuses which are within the voronoi regions
intersection = intersection_with_area(
grid_data.landuse, voronoi_polygons, remove_columns=False
intersection.drop(columns=["area_km2"], inplace=True)
# calculate area from intersected polygons
intersection_3035 = intersection.to_crs(dave_settings["crs_meter"])
intersection["area_km2"] = intersection_3035.area / 1e06
# --- calculate consumption for the diffrent landuses in every single voronoi polygon
# create list of all diffrent connection transformers
trafo_names = list(set(intersection.dave_name))
# update progress
# iterate trough diffrent transformers and calulate the diffrent landuse consumptions
for trafo_name in trafo_names:
# search trafo bus
trafo = trafos[trafos.dave_name == trafo_name].iloc[0]
landuse_polygons = intersection[intersection.dave_name == trafo_name]
# categorize landuse polygons and add to grid_data
for loadtype in ["residential", "industrial", "commercial"]:
if loadtype == "residential":
residential_polygons = landuse_polygons[
landuse_polygons.landuse == "residential"
area = residential_polygons.area_km2.sum()
p_mw = residential_load * area
q_mvar = p_mw * sin(acos(cos_phi_residential)) / cos_phi_residential
elif loadtype == "industrial":
industrial_polygons = landuse_polygons[landuse_polygons.landuse == "industrial"]
area = industrial_polygons.area_km2.sum()
p_mw = industrial_load * area
q_mvar = p_mw * sin(acos(cos_phi_industrial)) / cos_phi_industrial
elif loadtype == "commercial":
commercial_polygons = landuse_polygons[
landuse_polygons.landuse.isin(["commercial", "retail"])
area = commercial_polygons.area_km2.sum()
p_mw = commercial_load * area
q_mvar = p_mw * sin(acos(cos_phi_commercial)) / cos_phi_commercial
if p_mw != 0:
load_df = GeoDataFrame(
"bus": trafo.bus_lv,
"p_mw": p_mw,
"q_mvar": q_mvar,
"landuse": loadtype,
"trafo_name": trafo_name,
"area_km2": area,
"voltage_level": [voltage_level],
"geometry": trafo.geometry,
grid_data.components_power.loads = concat(
[grid_data.components_power.loads, load_df],
# update progress
pbar.update(79.8 / len(trafo_names))
# add dave name
if not grid_data.components_power.loads.empty:
lambda x: f"load_{x.voltage_level}_{x.index}", axis=1
# close progress bar