Source code for dave_core.components.gas_components

# Copyright (c) 2022-2024 by Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)
# Kassel and individual contributors (see AUTHORS file for details). All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found in the LICENSE file.

from ast import literal_eval

from geopandas import overlay
from pandas import Series
from pandas import concat

from dave_core.datapool.read_data import read_scigridgas_iggielgn
from dave_core.progressbar import create_tqdm
from dave_core.settings import dave_settings

[docs] def create_sources(grid_data, scigrid_productions): """ This function adds the data for gas sources """ # set progress bar pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create sources") # get compressor data sources = scigrid_productions.copy() # prepare data sources.rename(columns={"id": "scigrid_id", "name": "scigrid_name"}, inplace=True) sources["source"] = "scigridgas" # intersection with target area sources = overlay(sources, grid_data.area, how="intersection") keys = grid_data.area.keys().tolist() keys.remove("geometry") sources = sources.drop(columns=(keys)) # update progress pbar.update(40) if not sources.empty: # search for junction dave name junctions = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.copy() sources["junction"] = sources.node_id.apply( lambda x: junctions[junctions.scigrid_id == literal_eval(x)[0]].iloc[0].dave_name ) # set junction is_export to true if a sink is connected to sources_junctions = sources.junction.to_list() for _, junction in grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.iterrows(): if junction.dave_name in sources_junctions:[, "is_import"] = True # set grid level number sources["pressure_level"] = 1 # get some relevant parameters out from scigrid param and write in single parameter sources["max_supply_M_m3_per_d"] = sources.param.apply( lambda x: literal_eval(x)["max_supply_M_m3_per_d"] ) # update progress pbar.update(40) # add dave name sources.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) sources.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"source_1_{x}" for x in sources.index]), ) # set crs sources.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # add hp junctions to grid data grid_data.components_gas.sources = concat( [grid_data.components_gas.sources, sources], ignore_index=True ) # update progress pbar.update(20) else: # update progress pbar.update(60) # close progress bar pbar.close()
[docs] def create_compressors(grid_data, scigrid_compressors): """ This function adds the data for gas compressors """ # set progress bar pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create compressors") # get compressor data compressors = scigrid_compressors.copy() # prepare data compressors.rename(columns={"id": "scigrid_id", "name": "scigrid_name"}, inplace=True) compressors["source"] = "scigridgas" # intersection with target area compressors = overlay(compressors, grid_data.area, how="intersection") keys = grid_data.area.keys().tolist() keys.remove("geometry") compressors = compressors.drop(columns=(keys)) # update progress pbar.update(40) if not compressors.empty: # search for junction dave name junctions = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.copy() compressors["junction"] = compressors.node_id.apply( lambda x: junctions[junctions.scigrid_id == literal_eval(x)[0]].iloc[0].dave_name ) # set grid level number compressors["pressure_level"] = 1 compressors["max_cap_M_m3_per_d"] = compressors.param.apply( lambda x: literal_eval(x)["max_cap_M_m3_per_d"] ) compressors["max_pressure_bar"] = compressors.param.apply( lambda x: literal_eval(x)["max_pressure_bar"] ) # update progress pbar.update(40) # add dave name compressors.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) compressors.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"compressor_1_{x}" for x in compressors.index]), ) # set crs compressors.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # add hp junctions to grid data grid_data.components_gas.compressors = concat( [grid_data.components_gas.compressors, compressors], ignore_index=True, ) # update progress pbar.update(20) else: # update progress pbar.update(60) # close progress bar pbar.close()
[docs] def create_sinks(grid_data, scigrid_consumers): """ This function adds the data for gas consumers """ # set progress bar pbar = create_tqdm(desc="create sinks") # get sink data sinks = scigrid_consumers.copy() # prepare data sinks.rename(columns={"id": "scigrid_id", "name": "scigrid_name"}, inplace=True) sinks["source"] = "scigridgas" # intersection with target area sinks = overlay(sinks, grid_data.area, how="intersection") keys = grid_data.area.keys().tolist() keys.remove("geometry") sinks = sinks.drop(columns=(keys)) # update progress pbar.update(40) if not sinks.empty: # search for junction dave name junctions = grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.copy() sinks["junction"] = sinks.node_id.apply( lambda x: junctions[junctions.scigrid_id == literal_eval(x)[0]].iloc[0].dave_name ) # set junction is_export to true if a sink is connected to sink_junctions = sinks.junction.to_list() for _, junction in grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.iterrows(): if junction.dave_name in sink_junctions:[, "is_export"] = True # set grid level number sinks["pressure_level"] = 1 # get some relevant parameters out from scigrid param and write in single parameter sinks["max_demand_M_m3_per_d"] = sinks.param.apply( lambda x: literal_eval(x)["max_demand_M_m3_per_d"] ) # update progress pbar.update(40) # add dave name sinks.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True) sinks.insert( 0, "dave_name", Series([f"sink_1_{x}" for x in sinks.index]), ) # set crs sinks.set_crs(dave_settings["crs_main"], inplace=True) # add hp junctions to grid data grid_data.components_gas.sinks = concat( [grid_data.components_gas.sinks, sinks], ignore_index=True ) # update progress pbar.update(20) else: # update progress pbar.update(60) # close progress bar pbar.close()
def create_storages_gas(grid_data, scigrid_storages): pass # gas storages in germany # read_gas_storage_ugs() # read_scigridgas_iggielgn() # check for duplicated strorages in both datasets def create_valves(grid_data): """ This function adds the data for valves between junctions """ # At this time there are no data source for valves availible pass
[docs] def gas_components(grid_data, compressor, sink, source, storage_gas, valve): """ This function calls all the functions for creating the gas components in the wright order """ # check if there are junctions in the considered area if not grid_data.hp_data.hp_junctions.empty: # read high pressure grid data from dave datapool (scigridgas igginl) if any([compressor, source, sink, storage_gas]): scigrid_data, meta_data = read_scigridgas_iggielgn() # add meta data if f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}" not in grid_data.meta_data.keys(): grid_data.meta_data[f"{meta_data['Main'].Titel.loc[0]}"] = meta_data # add compressors if compressor: create_compressors(grid_data, scigrid_compressors=scigrid_data["compressors"]) # add sinks if sink: create_sinks(grid_data, scigrid_consumers=scigrid_data["consumers"]) # add sources if source: create_sources(grid_data, scigrid_productions=scigrid_data["productions"]) # add storages if storage_gas: create_storages_gas(grid_data, scigrid_storages=scigrid_data["storages"]) # add valves if valve: create_valves(grid_data)